Main Gameplay LoopYou will spawn as a squad at the location of a dangerous anomaly. You will recieve a set of objectives that you have to complete to secure the area, while doing your best to avoid the anomaly, and after you successfully do so, you will be given means of containing the...
Gameplay: SCP blends intense horror, strategic gameplay, and immersive storytelling. Players will navigate through haunting environments, from abandoned facilities to ancient ruins, all captured through a realistic found-footage lens that enhances the atmosphere of dread and unpredictability. Communication an...
1.服务器取名 要求:服务器名字不得出现乱码等违规当地法律的行为 。 检查方式:将服务器名字复制于服务器配置文件内的player_list_title行上,通过IP直连服务器,检查玩家列表标题是否存在乱码的情况。 服务器配置文件gameplay.txt 玩家列表标题项 注意事项:每次更改服务器标题及玩家列表标题需要重启服务器端才生效。 2....
为了寻找弟弟,为了拯救控制局,女主角开始了一场神秘莫测的冒险。 玩法| Gameplay 简单来说《控制》是一个第三人称动作游戏,顺带加半开放的地图设计,玩家在游戏流程中能够使用不同形态的武器以及超能力攻击敌人,武器的升级需要刷材料,技能的升级则需要做任务才能获得升级点数。 在战斗中,玩家可以使用不同类型的枪械搭...
- 打开 `.config/SCP Secret Laboratory/config/<serverport>` 目录下的 `config_gameplay.txt` 文件。- 修改你想要调整的设置,例如 `friendly_fire`。- 保存文件。2. **启动服务器**:- 启动服务器,你的设置将生效。## 附录:如何设置管理员权限- 编辑 `.config/SCP Secret Laboratory/config/<serverport>...
iPhone Description Welcome to the chilling realm of SCP Pipe Head City Survival Game, where horror reaches new heights with its immersive 3D graphics and offline gameplay. This survival horror game takes the terror to unprecedented levels, revolving around the eerie story of SCP Pipe Head, a mons...
iPhone Description Welcome to the chilling realm of SCP Pipe Head City Survival Game, where horror reaches new heights with its immersive 3D graphics and offline gameplay. This survival horror game takes the terror to unprecedented levels, revolving around the eerie story of SCP Pipe Head, a mons...
在服务器文件夹中找到并打开"config_gameplay.txt"、"config_remoteadmin.txt"和"config_server.txt"文件,根据你的需求配置服务器设置。你可以设置服务器名称、密码、服务器实例和其他的游戏参数。 启动服务器在完成配置后,你可以通过运行启动脚本来启动服务器。对于Windows系统,你可以双击"RunServer.bat"文件;对于Linux...
Plugin configs willNOTbe in the aforementionedconfig_gameplay.txtfile, instead, plugin configs are set in the~/.config/EXILED/Configs/(ServerPortHere)-config.ymlfile (%AppData%\EXILED\(ServerPortHere)-config.ymlon Windows). However, some plugins might get their config settings from other locatio...
SCP: Secret Files offers a diverse range of gameplay experiences – investigate a mysterious hydroelectric power plant, immerse yourself in an uplifting fable, or delve into a bizarre, retro-inspired world. Each story introduces its own tone, mechanics, and cast of characters. The world of the ...