SCP - Containment Breach is a free survival horror game based on the works of theSCP Foundation community. DOWNLOAD SCP - Containment Breach v1.3.11 (235 MB) MIRROR 1 ( MIRROR 2 (MEGA) Changelog.txt Links
SCP - Containment Breach is an indie survival horror game, where you take the role of D-9341, a test subject of SCP Foundation, an organization dedicated to containing and safeguarding anomalous creatures and artifacts from the rest of the world.
historyDownload history Give feedback settingsAccount settings tuneSite preferences exit_to_appSign out Hot mods More hot mods Infinite Singleplayer Respawns Adds infinite* respawns to the Area 12 and Antartica gamemodes in singleplayer.*Not actually infinite, just set very high. ...
Recommend game list 以撒 distrust 幽浮 绣湖/逃离方块 恶灵附身 艾迪芬奇的记忆 克苏鲁的呼唤:官方游戏 冷鲜肉 TODO 后续 阅读体验优化 稍后阅读功能,并且在稍后阅读列表中的上下篇是列表中切换 功能引导提示 优化输入姓名和选择职业流程(新人引导 背景图(?)和主题色切换 ...
游戏地区:游戏专区: 游戏画面: 游戏专区SCP022-游戏简介 《SCP022》是KL GAMES开发的一款国产恐怖解谜游戏。游戏基于「SCP-022 停尸房」创作。游戏流程极短(约十分钟左右),恐怖度不高(虽然气氛诡异但无高能),适合对 SCP 恐怖题材感兴趣或希望寻找易全成就游戏的...
Find and open the .mcpack or .mcworld files that you download earlier Click it to import into Minecraft Pocket Edition Open the game Create a new world or edit an existing world Scroll down to the Add-ons section and select the ones you want to apply...
Downloads:3457 Wine:5.0.2 Feedbacks 00 Description Spiritual Successor(2017,website) of the free survival horror game 3D FPS (2012) 'SCP - Containment Breach'. The story happens in the offices of the companySCP. Note: thisremakespiritual Successoruses the Unity 3D game engine in order to ...
A high-level plugin framework for SCP: Secret Laboratory servers. It offers an event system for developers to hook in order to manipulate or change game code, or implement their own functions. - Exiled-Team/EXILED
any updates or patches to the original game software which are provided to you or which you may download from any SEL web site or other source authorised by SEL expressly for such purpose) including such software required in order to access and/or use any on-line features and functionality ...
2) You are permitted to modify the source code of the software without any restrictions. However, making any changes in the game or using any software to get any kind of advantage over other players will result in a Steam Game Ban, which means you won't be able to play on secured anti...