On June 16, 2015, as Foundation assets were preparing to make contact with and provide discrete resources to a potential Trump Election Committee, Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the United States Presidency. Project Whirlwind then dispatched operatives to various state legislatures and interna...
in:Mature,SCP Foundation Villains,Internet Villains, and80 more English Sign in to edit A / 文 This article's content is marked asMature The page contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature ...
Object Class:Euclid Special Containment Procedures:SCP-5702's domain is to be blocked from all major internet service providers through Foundation agents in various world governments. Access to the website is to be granted to Level 2 and higher personnel for testing purposes. The Ethics Committee ...
So the foundation is there to make sure that these SCPs don't post threat to human life, challenge human perceptions of what is real and normal, or cause mass panic. If you read their wikipedia entry, you will see that the SCP foundation is a fictional organization documented by the web...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trapper_(Dungeons_%26_Dragons) Right? Reply Options Fold TheGlyphstone 11 Oct 2012, 09:40 …really? Damn, D&D takes all the good monsters. Hopefully people will believe that wasn't intentional. The inspiration was just looking at a crosswalk on the way ...
Styled after the wikipedia page with a similar title, this humorous article is written with the idea that after the fall of the Veil, some wikipedia editors got together to add a bunch of misconceptions in this new anomalous world. Try not to take it too seriously!
Save this article Read more »Who Should Win the 2025 Pritzker Prize? 6 days ago With the Hyatt Foundation set to reveal the 2025 Pritzker Prize winner on March 4 at 9 AM EST, speculation is growing over which architect—or architects—will receive the most prestigious award in architecture...
Founded by Jay Pritzker and administered by the Hyatt Foundation in the United States, the Pritzker Prize recognizes living architects, regardless of nationality, whose work has made a lasting and meaningful impact on humanity through the art of architecture. Save this article Read more »From...
social networkarchivearticlebahasawikipedia もっと深くオーディエンスを理解する必要がありますか? Similarwebのリサーチインテリジェンスソリューションで、オーディエンス獲得戦略を発見し、ブラウジング行動についてのインサイトを明らかにします。今すぐ体験するscpld.org競合他社および類似サ...
SCP-076-2, also known as Able, is a supporting character in the SCP Foundation series, based off Abel from the Biblical Book of Genesis. He is a murderous barbarian who inhabits SCP-076-1, a Keter-class anomaly under the SCP Foundation's containment, and