Show Branches of the SCP Foundation ‡ Licensing / Citation admin page revision: 344, last edited:9 Mar 2025, 11:35 (6 days ago) EditRate (+397)TagsDiscuss (136)HistoryFilesPrintSite tools+ Options Help|Terms of Service|Privacy|Report a bug|Flag as objectionable ...
The SCP Foundation WikiSigma-9theme and style was designed byAelanna. Help|Terms of Service|Privacy|Report a bug|Flag as objectionable Powered Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed underCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License...
SCP Foundation in Deutschland Willkommen im deutschen SCP-Wiki. Wir sind der deutsche Ableger desSCP-Wikis. Wir übersetzen SCPs aus dem Englischen und anderen Sprachen und schreibeneigene SCPs,GeschichtenundHintergrundartikel. Dazu brauchen wir deineUnterstützung. Sei es, indem du übersetzt, Art...
Show Branches of the SCP Foundation ‡ Licensing / Citation admin page revision: 344, last edited:9 Mar 2025, 11:35 (3 days ago) EditRate (+397)TagsDiscuss (136)HistoryFilesPrintSite tools+ Options Help|Terms of Service|Privacy|Report a bug|Flag as objectionable ...
The Special Containment Procedures Foundation (or Secure. Contain. Protect.), commonly abbreviated to the SCP Foundation and more simply known as just SCP, are the titular main protagonists of the mythos of the same name. It is an extremely diverse and w
SCP基金会 Wiki是一个Fandom上的生活社区。 查看完整网站 本网站使用Cookie Fandom以及其合作伙伴在网站上将使用Cookie等技术储存和收集来自您浏览器的信息,进而定制化内容和广告,提供社交媒体功能,以及分析网站流量。 如我们的隐私政策所述,点击下面的“同意”后,您将同意我们使用此类Cookie和技术。如果同意,您将允许...
SCP Foundation 英文 Фонд SCP 俄文 SCP 재단 韓文 SCP基金会 中文 Fondation SCP 法文 Fundacja SCP 波蘭文 La Fundación SCP 西班牙文 สถาบัน SCP 泰文 SCP財団 日文 SCP auf Deutsch 德文 Fondazione SCP 義大利文 Фонд SCP ...
Foundation Universe Hub - For information on Sites, Mobile Task Forces, Departments, and more. Audio Adaptations - Links to audio read-outs of various articles on the site. SCP Series 1 - Tales Edition - Tales associated with SCPs of this Series. 001 to 099 SCP-001 - Awaiting De-classifi...
SCP-106 is to be contained in a sealed container, comprised of lead-lined steel. The container will be sealed within forty layers of identical material, each layer separated by no less than 36cm of empty space. Support struts between layers are to be randomly spaced. Container is to remain...
Locations of Interest-IT— Locations of Interest from the Italian Wiki. (untranslated) Foundation Facilities— Foundation Facilities from around the world. Log of Unexplained Locations— Minor locations requiring limited containment and concealment.‡...