As of 2016, Site-64 is recognized as one of the SCP Foundation's premier facilities along the US West Coast, and the top facility within the Pacific Northwest. In addition to its other responsibilities, Site-64 was designated as the main point of contact between the Foundation and the Wilso...
Following the establishment of the Boring Agreement, the Foundation — via Site-64 — and WWS have agreed to support each other and not to interfere in each other's operations, with WWS handling containment of most of the anomalous animals in Boring, as well as handling containment of ...
Foundation Universe Hub - For information on Sites, Mobile Task Forces, Departments, and more. Audio Adaptations - Links to audio read-outs of various articles on the site. SCP Series 1 - Tales Edition - Tales associated with SCPs of this Series. 001 to 099 SCP-001 - Awaiting De-classifi...
The Last Good Man In The Foundation 回到頂端 MTF Eta-4 「透特滾蛋」 機動特遣隊任務:機動特遣隊Eta-4是由受SCP-3095影響的具智能海鳥組成。Eta-4在資訊收集與分析上特化,並在實地研究與支援下於極端狀況進行空中作戰。該特遣隊最終將負責於BE級「遷移」結束意識情景下保護人類。 協助收容的項目: EE-3570 SCP...
Foundation Universe Hub - For information on Sites, Mobile Task Forces, Departments, and more. Audio Adaptations - Links to audio read-outs of various articles on the site. SCP Series 2 - Tales Edition - Tales associated with SCPs of this Series.1000...
The Special Containment Procedures Foundation (or Secure. Contain. Protect.), commonly abbreviated to the SCP Foundation and more simply known as just SCP, are the titular main protagonists of the mythos of the same name. It is an extremely diverse and w
SCP基金会(英文名:SCP Foundation)全称特殊收容措施基金会(英文名:Special Containment Procedures Foundation) ,是一个以怪诞科幻类的架空世界为主题的网络共笔文学小说集网站,同时也是及其衍生相关作品中的神秘虚构组织,专门发现各种超自然现象、...详情 作品简介 许可等级 员工头衔 项目等级 ...
Deep within the SCP Foundation during a containment breach, many of the anomalies have bypassed security and escaped from their chambers – without peaceful intentions. Become site personnel, a re-containment agent, or an anomalous entity and fight to ta
SCP FOUNDATION: IRIS THROUGH THE GLASS - CHAPTER 1 IMPORTANT - Please read these End User Licence Agreements (“EULA(s)”) carefully before installing this Software Product. By installing, copying, and/or otherwise using the Software Product you agree to be bound by the terms of any and all...
Deep within a secure underground facility, a sudden containment breach allows many of the secured anomalies to escape from their chambers. Assist the Foundation in re-securing the facility, help the Insurgency in their goal to capture it, or wreak havoc