Foundation Universe Hub - For information on Sites, Mobile Task Forces, Departments, and more. Audio Adaptations - Links to audio read-outs of various articles on the site. SCP Series 3 - Tales Edition - Tales associated with SCPs of this Series. 2000 to 2099 SCP-2000 - Deus Ex Machina...
This recording was taken in a room that was decorated to appear as a movie theater, with Foundation personnel playing the roles of the patrons. Interference Point: Beginning of the film. Result: An instance of SCP-3922-A steps in front of the personnel holding the camera, confiscates it, ...
SCP-2228 - Foundation Playsets SCP-2229 - Legate of Ursa Major to the Senate and People of Rome SCP-2230 - An Unlicensed Neurosurgeon SCP-2231 - A Shared Identity SCP-2232 - Birdphone. Think Different. SCP-2233 - Sociosophy SCP-2234 - Great Deals on Pineal Removal URA-9611 - The Ozym...
The Foundation first became aware of SCP-341-KO after recieving multiple reports about a UFO flying over an elementary school in Korea. The Foundation tried to contain SCP-341-KO using uncrewed aircraft. However the attempt failed as the object rocketed out the atmosphere at high velocity. Th...
Escape from the SCP Foundation Raman Kuzmich 3.5 • 57 个评分 免费 截屏 iPhone iPad 简介 检查你是否能活下来,并可能逃离危险的SCP综合体! - 你能够生存,或者逃离危险的SCP复合体! - 这是一个2D游戏,在SCP基金会的宇宙中,有许多危险的SCP物体等着你,这将阻止你逃跑。 - 你有完全的行动自由。
images 3 years after the events of the first Assistance(The prequel), You were captured by the SCP Foundation and was sent to the new mordern Site-19 for maybe escaping from the old Site-19 as a D-Class before it got detonated. The containment breach occurred and you are about to exper...
Check if you can survive and possibly escape from a dangerous SCP complex! -Can you be able to survive, or maybe escape from a dangerous SCP complex! -This is a 2D game, in the SCP Foundation universe, there are many dangerous SCP objects waiting for you that will prevent you from esca...
But, silver linings: aside from the stasis pods, I have finally found a machine here that's in mint condition. It's an old-timey boombox in the rec room. With a CD player. There is only one CD here. Best of Andrew Lloyd Webber. (Sound of a jewel case opening.) Oh. Silly me....
And then when I got to my room, it was clear that he had been in there and snooping through my stuff again. He tried to put everything back but I could tell. You know, it's weird because based on where everything was he should've found the closet journal. He must've looked righ...