针对你遇到的“scp: failed to upload directory”问题,这里有几个可能的解决步骤和检查点,帮助你定位和解决问题: 检查SCP命令语法是否正确: 当你使用scp命令上传目录时,需要确保使用-r选项来递归地复制目录。例如,正确的命令格式应该是: bash scp -r /本地/目录/路径 用户名@远程服务器:/远程/路径 如果省略...
scp: failed to upload directory build to /mnt/web/xxx 路径正确的话,就是本地scp协议版本和远端服务器的不兼容,加-O强制使用低版本。 完整指令:scp -r -O
/usr/bin/scp: dest open ""/tmp/a"": No such file or directory /usr/bin/scp: failed to upload file /cygdrive//C/test/a to "/tmp/a" Hi, it seems your application is calling scp with " around the arguments,so, scp try to copy "/tmp/a" instead of just /tmp/a. Regards, /m...
> /usr/bin/scp: dest open ""/tmp/a"": No such file or directory > /usr/bin/scp: failed to upload file /cygdrive//C/test/a to "/tmp/a" > >■Problem supplement > ・If the scp command is executed directly from the command prompt or Cygwin > Bash Shell > instead of being exe...
When you specify a (remote) file path to Upload(Stream, String) for which the last part of the directory directory (parent path) does not exist, then we currently do not throw an exception. Instead the file is created with as path the di...
例子 ./cidr-to-ip.sh [OPTION(only one)] [STRING/FILENAME] -h 显示此帮助屏幕 -f 在给定 STRING(s) 时强制检查网络边界 -i 将从输入文件中读取(文件每行应包含一个 CIDR)(无网络边界检查) -b 与 -i 相同,但具有网络边界检查 #!/bin/bash ### ## Methods ### pref...
Hi, running scp -P 8022 -i id_rsa test user@ gives me the error: scp: dest open "/sdcard/Music/": No such file or directory scp: failed to upload file test to /sdcard/Music/ Running rsync gives me the error: ...
On the device, run the following command to upload the configuration file to the specified path on the PC that functions as an SCP server: scp source-filename destination-filename For example, to back up the vrpcfg.cfg file to the SCP server at in SCP mode, run the following...
$ProcessName = "Upload($FtpServer):FromDir($LocalDirectory):Files("+$file.Name+")" If ($arrReturnResults.IsSuccess) {$arrResults += New-Object Psobject -property @{Time = $arrReturnResults.StartTime; Task = $ProcessName; Status = "Success"; Details = ""; ExecTime = $arrReturnResults...
Creation of files in excess of this limit in the root directory may fail.Verifying the Configuration Run the display ssh user-information [ username ] command to view SSH user information on the SSH server. Run the display ssh server status command to view global configuration of the SSH ...