Originally, lockdowns were ordered manually by the O5 council, as a response to a distress call triggered from a select facility. Following the rapid scale of the Foundation expansion, registration and commission of any lockdown is now controlled by another group, known as the O4. The O4 ...
SCP: Lockdown is an update and remake of the original SCPCraft mod created by Yu_tu. Now reborn in 1.12 (and eventually 1.16.5). Lockdown contains updates to the blocks, items and entities of its predecessor, and goes further to grant the SCPs their true abilities. But beyond that, ...
The Lockdown - Closed-Under Construction
The Facility was placed in full lockdown while the reality sinks were activated, and the RES/CON team was escorted outside to a safe distance in the event of success. The activation temporarily eliminated the abilities of some reality-bending anomalies in containment, but had no effects ...
Sky Valley holds the barracks, armories, and training facilities of Armed Mobile Task Force Nu-7 ("Hammer Down") and the region's Tactical Response Teams. The Sky Valley base doubles as a boot camp for new TRT and AMTF recruits. To protect operational security, access to this facility an...
Lake Huron Research and Containment Site-43 has experienced a containment breach. An unclassified pathogen has entered the air circulation system, necessitating the complete lockdown of the facility. All travel from the subterranean levels to the surface is to cease immediately, the Inter-Sectional Su...
"Lockdown - Cobb, these aredemons!We have toevacuate!" declared Salazar. "Have youtriedleaving? The facility's on a Level 5 lockdown! I can't raise the Security Office at all! What's happening on your end?" Cobb asked. "People! In masks! W - with guns! They tried to kill us!
Special Containment Procedures: No special safety procedures are to be taken with SCP-131-A and SCP-131-B. They are free to travel about Site-19 so long as they do not attempt to enter any restricted areas or attempt to leave the facility. Casual contact with the subjects is permitted, ...
In the event of a breach by SCP-060-Alpha, personnel are to enter lockdown mode and activate onsite fire suppression systems. Redundant onsite fire suppression systems have been installed throughout the Site, including water and chemical retardants to be utilized in tandem in the event of a co...
This lockdown would not be raised until nearly a week later due to security protocols, at which time only a handful of personnel in advanced stages of SCP-4654 overdose remained. An armed biohazard team was able to contain the remaining vessels of SCP-4654, which were immediately moved to ...