SCP-3718 - An Environmental Cat-astrophe SCP-3719 - Your Friendly Neighbourhood Lawnmower SCP-3720 - Smiting on a Budget SCP-3721 - Obsolete Weapons System SCP-3722 - The City That Was Half the World SCP-3723 - The Orca-stra SCP-3724 - Guard Puppies SCP-3725 - Ironically, I don't ...
8 June 202█Oceans across the globe experience brief but expansive algae bloom that color large sections a deep jade green for a period of one week—signs of environmental interference at the hands of anomalous entities or GOI under investigation. ...
本文介绍的是2020年的新怪谈-2536。命名相似的页面,请参见新怪谈-2536(消除歧义)页面。 新怪谈-2536是在2020/2021年圣诞节更新中引入的事件新怪谈。它是一棵具有异常传送能力的圣诞树,会尝试为玩家提供可能需要的物品。本页将侧重于其在2020年圣诞活动中的机制。 在游戏中 在回合开始的90秒后,新怪谈-2536将选择...
新怪谈-330是一个无法被玩家操纵的新怪谈项目,玩家与它交互时会获得糖果,吃下这些糖会提供给玩家不同的效果。 请拿一个,尽情享受。 两个一起尝试,敢不敢?甜蜜无比! ___ 游戏中 新怪谈-330生成在轻收容区的1号测试间,当玩家与它互动时,玩家将拿出一块随机糖果。玩家最多可以从新怪谈-330中获取2颗糖果。
SCP-3718 - An Environmental Cat-astrophe SCP-3719 - Your Friendly Neighbourhood Lawnmower SCP-3720 - Smiting on a Budget SCP-3721 - Obsolete Weapons System SCP-3722 - The City That Was Half the World SCP-3723 - The Orca-stra SCP-3724 - Guard Puppies SCP-3725 - Ironically, I don't ...
Deep Lore and Storytelling: Discover the dark secrets of the SCP Foundation through found documents, recordings, and environmental storytelling. Each SCP has its own backstory and mysteries to uncover. Strategic Gameplay: Manage resources, plan your approach to containment, and use your environment to...
特殊收容措施:已围绕 SCP-4059-1 建立临时站点 144,并伪装为新泽西环境保护局(New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection,NJDEP)野生动物与鱼类办公室的一处新的分局。任何试图进入 SCP-4059-1 周边区域的人员均须以该区域是一群 Crotalus horridus(森林响尾蛇)的生态保护区的理由被带离。
The Special Containment Procedures Foundation (or Secure. Contain. Protect.), commonly abbreviated to the SCP Foundation and more simply known as just SCP, are the titular main protagonists of the mythos of the same name. It is an extremely diverse and w
Containment area is to be kept in total vacuum during testing, and personnel interacting with SCP-009 must wear full environmental protection gear. Following testing, all equipment, personnel, and other materials must undergo dehydration procedures and be quarantined for no less than 12 hours. Any ...