Dust and Blood rating: +627+–x In the time when The Tree of Knowledge was planted, all things were given form. Even the deep waters of the Darkness Below and the vaults of Darkness Above took shape and form, and many elder gods were born of them. Of these gods, whose names are ...
再没有什么可说的了。 来源:Djoric的http://scp-wiki-cn.wikidot.com/dust-and-blood,译者Freedom Koo 本文除非特别注明,以上内容采用以下授权方式: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License深红之王 至高神性 分享到: 投诉或建议 3评论 按热度排序 按时间排序 请先登录后发表评论 (・ω・)发...
SCP-910 - Dust, Embodied SCP-911 - Egyptian Book of the Dead SCP-912 - Autonomous SWAT Armor SCP-913 - Mr. Hungry SCP-914 - The Clockworks SCP-915 - The Mechanotesseractic Computer SCP-916 - Man's Best Friend SCP-917 - Mr. Moon SCP-918 - Baby Mill SCP-919 - Needy Mirror SCP...
SCP-6859 - "dust bunny" SCP-6860 - Memories Bloom Under Moonlight SCP-6861 - Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus SCP-6862 - Beatlemania 2: Keep on Beatlin' SCP-6863 - Toxic Positivity SCP-6864 - Belwood Staffing SCP-6865 - Lives Done Quick SCP-6866 - Ash Mountain SCP-6867 - Lucky Bucky: The ...
SCP-5966 - The Artist and the Patron SCP-5967 - What's your favorite idea? SCP-5968 - Starlite Diner SCP-5969 - Power Flower SCP-5970 - Dustism (Always For You) SCP-5971 - A Moment Where Words Don't Reach SCP-5972 - Let All the Children Boogie SCP-5973 - /Ohio has been elimi...
In the taleDust and Blood, SCP-682 is the offspring of theScarlet King.[7]It was one of the many leviathans spawned from the fourth bride of the king, A’zieb. Her children were said to be like her, they feared no weapon nor magical spell, for their injuries were healed, and their...
Recommended Statistics Awaiting Declassification Credits SCP-001 The Scarlet King Article by Tufto from the SCP Wiki Dust and Blood by Djorice, from the SCP Wiki The Scarlet King Villians Wiki Entry The Scarlet King One Canon Wiki
SCP-2847 - Yu the Great, and the Immortal SCP-2848 - Leave It All Behind SCP-2849 - Insect Hospital SCP-2850 - Vespidonts SCP-2851 -紅 SCP-2852 - Cousin Johnny SCP-2853 - From Dust to Dawn SCP-2854 - The Little Shop-Mart of Horrors SCP-2855 - Mr. Money SCP-2856 - Machines,...
Birds fly overhead, swooping through the clouds with barely-concealed disdain for gravity and its associated limitations. As they fly their voices echo out across the valley, disturbing piles of ash and dust. Bones glint white among the thick black blanket, stained with blood and polished by ...
SCP-076-2, also known as Able, is a supporting character in the SCP Foundation series, based off Abel from the Biblical Book of Genesis. He is a murderous barbarian who inhabits SCP-076-1, a Keter-class anomaly under the SCP Foundation's containment, and