Description: SCP-5533 is a thought-based shifter entity, showing a preference for cryptids found in popular culture. Most notably, the creature chooses the Loch Ness Monster as a default form. However, the anomaly is not able to fully replicate the appearance of the cryptids, and as such ...
STUDY. CRYPTIDS. But Santa is just some dude, right? How are those related? Leonora Morales: I thought you were researching Krampus? Why did you overlook its sworn enemy? Noah Patel: I don’t have as much free time as you all thought. Been busy as a bee on The Jersey Devil but ...
"Then there are the many threats you might face that have nothing to do with Aspect Radiation. Anomalies in space-time. Cryptids. Mad cyborgs. Telepaths. The truth is, the more we learn, the more we realize that the world is a stranger and more terrifying place than we did before we ...
A hunter searching for elephants first noticed the beast in 1932 and thought it was barren and uninhabited. However, his servant soon shouted out and the hunter observed two elephants. Startled, the hunter prepared his rifle but hesitated when he realize
I can't see any of the hundreds of thousands of wonderful and terrible things that walk in our world. I can see bigfoot, aliens and some other cryptids, probably because they're not 'anomalous' in the traditional sense. They're part of this universe, not from outside of it. I've ...
I looked into cryptids, hauntings, the paranormal, conspiracy theories, anything and everything. Funny isn't it, how virtually all of that has fizzled away in a world where so many people now have a video camera on hand at near all times? No more cryptid pictures, no more grainy ...