创作中心 投稿 专栏/SCP - Containment Breach怎么玩? 2020年04月05日 18:157234浏览·92点赞·76评论 StarPhiSunny 粉丝:829文章:11 关注 注意事项 以下内容是我根据wiki,SCP收容失效大佬ppllpp66和自己游戏时的经验得到的简单的分析(所以一些游戏中对于新手不太友好的地方就没有细讲),内容是不太可能太过准确,...
你可以称呼我们莽夫,但你不能称作我们懦夫! 我们不能退缩,因为在我们背后的,是全人类! 若当一日收容失败,即为地狱大门敞开之日! 向赴死之人致敬! 致——SCP基金会!
流程攻略基础操作按一下TAB 打开背包 双击物品 拿出\使用 拖出去 扔出按住TAB 查看玩家列表 空格键 眨眼 左键 交互 比如开门、捡东西①从开始房间(173收容室)出发,寻找监控室(在此之前需要准备好3级卡),关掉门禁后就可以解锁新区域(重收容区)了,寻找轻收容区-重收容区检查点(以导航仪上的方向为...
Nicole quickly relaxed after Lavrov's little episode, realizing the importance of the batteries he had threatened to drop. Lowering her weapon, she began running calculations in her head. London was surely in chaos by this point in the breach, so what reason would Lavrov have in bringing them...
SCP: Containment Breach: Directed by Joonas Rikkonen. With Lily Bailey, Aaron McKee, John Harman, Anthony Dimarco. SCP - Containment Breach is a free and open source indie supernatural horror video game developed by Joonas Rikkonen ("Regalis"). It is bas
SCP - Containment Breach 多媒体 提交图片 注意: 兼容中心显示的图片通常代表了 Mac 和 Linux 平台的兼容。 常用链接 首页 在线商城 博客 关于我们 联系我们 获取支持 常见问题 快速上手 兼容查询 用户论坛 BetterTesters 内测计划 合作伙伴 CodeWeavers 我们不拘一格,我们不随波逐流,我们是软件解放者。我们极其...
SCP - Containment Breach is an indie survival horror game, where you take the role of D-9341, a test subject of SCP Foundation, an organization dedicated to containing and safeguarding anomalous creatures and artifacts from the rest of the world.
SCP - Containment Breach has not been in active development for years, and the developers who worked on the game have long since moved on to other things. We thank you for your continued support through all these years! Even though there most likely will not be any official updates to the...
SCP-Containment Breach门卡获取方法。不少玩家可能还不太清楚游戏中各个等级的门卡如何获取到,下面带来具体的获取方法,供各位玩家们参考。全等级门卡获取方法1级卡可以在970里找到,也可以在173双杀剧情的走廊里找到,可以打开小型测试室的门2级卡可以在小型测试室(需要1级卡)里找到,可以打开914收容室的...