字體由「Courier New」改為「Containment Breach收容失效」(啟動器除外) 漢化了部分加載界面的內容 Alpha Testing初期測試 2021年11月3日 該版本比原計劃發布時間晚2天(2021年11月1日)。 漢化了部分貼圖(docmap.jpg、miscsign3.jpg、914labels.jpg、914panel.jpg、exit2.jpg) 漢化了RoomMesh轉換器(獨立工具) 漢...
SCP-607 in return will attempt to occasionally breach its chamber, in which point SCP-1111-1 will gently return it to its chamber before it can harm itself.. SCP-1111-2 has been observed to have decreased jerking motions, and has been observed to have a calmer facial expression. The ...
Foreword:This page is to be devoted to the documentation of low threat anomalous locations which have been discovered by the SCP Foundation over the years. Although all locations listed in this document warrant securing and cover-up measures, none of them are closely enough tied to an underlying...
迷你世界的基金会视频终于过审了,总觉得医疗室真没必要用三级权限卡锁闭,就算防止DD拿到补给的话,我看最多也就一级权限卡,不然连清洁工受伤了都刷不进去,还非得安保人员刷是吧,很多2级的科学家都刷不进去,还是说Containment Breach之前有人专门在医疗室门口刷卡? 分享34 scp收容失效吧 WC里682😂 682大爷居然...
迷你世界的基金会视频终于过审了,总觉得医疗室真没必要用三级权限卡锁闭,就算防止DD拿到补给的话,我看最多也就一级权限卡,不然连清洁工受伤了都刷不进去,还非得安保人员刷是吧,很多2级的科学家都刷不进去,还是说Containment Breach之前有人专门在医疗室门口刷卡? 分享34 scp_foundation吧 Dante42 元首吐槽“收容...
“Myself,” she replies, and he sees that she already has three cardboard boxes of files loaded up, printed with ‘CLASSIFIED’ or ‘UNCLASSIFIED’ on the top in black sharpie. He spends a dumb second hazing over the fact thatshe’s an SCP, shouldn’t be seeing those, security breach...