有人把这个虚构的恐怖资料做成游戏 就是SCP containment breach。游戏操作:WSAD移动,鼠标左键调查,空格键眨眼,E键开门,鼠标控制视角;目标:逃离研究所。一开始是和两个工作人员进入SCP-173的收容房间,然后收容设备出现障碍,SCP-173掐死两个工作人员后,盯着你。你要一直注视着它避免被掐死而且要一直逃脱。在这个游戏里...
若当一日收容失败,即为地狱大门敞开之日! 向赴死之人致敬! 致——SCP基金会!
SCP: Containment Breach: Directed by Joonas Rikkonen. With Lily Bailey, Aaron McKee, John Harman, Anthony Dimarco. SCP - Containment Breach is a free and open source indie supernatural horror video game developed by Joonas Rikkonen ("Regalis"). It is bas
SCP - Containment Breach has not been in active development for years, and the developers who worked on the game have long since moved on to other things. We thank you for your continued support through all these years! Even though there most likely will not be any official updates to the...
《神秘之物SCP》(..中文名称: 神秘之物SCP英文名称: SCP Containment Breach别名: 神秘的物件SCP游戏类型: FPS 第一人称视角射击游戏资源格式: 压缩包版本: v0.6.6发行时间: 20
SCP - Containment Breach is an indie survival horror game, where you take the role of D-9341, a test subject of SCP Foundation, an organization dedicated to containing and safeguarding anomalous creatures and artifacts from the rest of the world.
scp汽笛人模拟器(SCP - Containment Breach)中文版是一款画风给人一种阴暗恐怖的冒险类手机游戏,scp汽笛人模拟器中文版手机版玩家将在这个冲毛危险的地方随时展开紧张刺激的冒险之旅,这里还有超多的武器可以使用,可以更好保护自己。scp汽笛人模拟器中文版等你来体验,快