1 从本地复制到远程 scp[本地文件路径][用户名]@[远程主机地址]:[远程文件路径]假设我们本地是wind...
我当前正在使用scp在Linux系统之间复制文件。 1 scp username@hostname:/tmp/test.file . 哪个将我的文件从远程服务器复制到本地计算机。 我想做的是在本地Linux计算机上使用相同的scp命令,但是从Windows目标位置复制文件。 如何做到这一点? 相关讨论 请阅读以下内容以获取winscp脚本:winscp.net/eng/docs/commandlin...
I am not a Unix Geek, but still would like to administer my Unix machine. What if i am not ok with the command.This file will help you transferring files to linux or Solaris without command lineSimply download it and execute. It will ask for the credentialsDownload link: **https://gal...
linux与windows 通过SecureCRT进行文件传输方式 方式一:lrzsz是一款在Linux里可代替ftp上传和下载的程序。(小文件推荐,以4G为界限) # rz -bash: rz: command not found #yum install lrzsz -y 若刚开始执行rz命令报错-bash: rz: command not fo... ...
Path/to/pscp [options] [user@]host:source destination For example, to copy a file called “file.txt” located in Windows to a tmp directory in Linux, use this command: C:\Program Files\PuTTY>pscp \Users\user\file.txt user@ ...
I need to copy file admin.zip from C:\wamp\www\jdhemumbai060714\webfiles (Windows) to /var/www/html/ (Linux). I am using following command:: scp C:\wamp\www\jdhemumbai060714\webfiles\admin.zip username@hostname:/var/www/html/ ...
To use the scp command on Linux to transfer a local file, follow the steps below: Enter the SCP information using the name of the local file and full details for the remote server: Local Machine scp example_directory/file1.txt REMOTE_USER_1@REMOTE_IP_ADDRESS_1:example_backup1 Enter the...
“not a regular file”是一个相对常见的scp错误,但解决起来并不难。只要确保你明白scp的工作方式,使用正确的选项和路径,你就可以轻松地避免这个问题。希望本文能帮助到遇到此问题的朋友们。 参考资料 📚 man scp- scp命令的官方手册页。 Linux scp command help and examples- 详细解释scp的使用方法。
scpjdk-linux-x64_bin.rpm root@ This command will copy the package file to the remote system under the /opt folder. 2. Copy Files From Remote to the Local System. Run the below-mentioned command to copy the file from the remote device to the local device. ...