例如AIX的ksh,没有disown,但是可以使用nohup -p PID来获得disown同样的效果。 还有一种更加强大的方式是使用screen,首先创建一个断开模式的虚拟终端,然后用-r选项重新连接这个虚拟终端,在其中执行的任何命令,都能达到nohup的效果,这在有多个命令需要在后台连续执行的时候比较方便: $ screen -dmS screen_test $ scree...
command(1) comp_err(1) compare(1) composite(1) compress(1) config.guess(1) config.sub(1) config_data(1) conflict(1) conjure(1) constype(1) continue(1) convert(1) convmv(1) corelist(1) cp(1) cp(1g) cpack(1) cpan(1) cpan2dist(1) cpanp(1) cpio(1) cpp(1) cpp(1) cpu...
Description:"sudo" is a command-line utility in Unix-like operating systems that allows a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or another user, as specified by the security policy. It provides a way to perform administrative tasks without logging in as the root user. ...
更多ssh-key语法知识参考 Linux / Unix Command: ssh-keygen. (2).配置远程主机这里分三步:步骤一:copy公钥到远程服务器并更名在本地生成了密钥对,如我的是mykey和mykey.pub,放在了主目录下的.ssh目录下,然后我需要把mykey.pub复制到远程主机上,放在远程主机用户主目录下.ssh里,如没有可自行创建.ssh目录。
command(1) comp_err(1) compare(1) composite(1) compress(1) config.guess(1) config.sub(1) config_data(1) conflict(1) conjure(1) constype(1) continue(1) convert(1) convmv(1) corelist(1) cp(1) cp(1g) cpack(1) cpan(1) cpan2dist(1) cpanp(1) cpio(1) cpp(1) cpp(1) cpu...
You are AIX find will not accept the path with wildcard: Use a command like that instead: find /home/june -name "arc* -exec find {} -name "XY*" | xargs -i {} scp -i /home/jack/.ssh/id_rsa {} user@host:{} \; Cheers, K.Kerem...
linux yum install xxx 报错:Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Linux自动压缩文件夹备份脚本 Windows自动压缩文件夹备份脚本 mysql报错:ERROR 1142 (42000): SELECT command denied to user \\ mount/umount 挂载/卸载 CentOS cannot find a valid baseurl for repo base/7/x86_64 IIS HTTP 自动跳转 HTTPS 的安全配置...
sftp> help 対応しているコマンドに関す help command 例えば,以下のように入力します. る詳細の表示 sftp> help put ファイルの転送および管理 使用可能なコマンド 『155ページ 』 例えば,ファイ ル demo をローカルの作業ディレクトリからリモート の作業ディレクトリに転送するには,以下...
Use passphrase and SSH Agent.If you are using ssh and scp interactively from the command-line and you don’t want to use the password everytime you perform ssh or scp, I don’t recommend the previous option (no passphrase), as you’ve eliminated one level of security in the ssh key...
imagemounter - Command line utility and Python package to ease the (un)mounting of forensic disk images libewf - Libewf is a library and some tools to access the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF, E01) PancakeViewer - Disk image viewer based in dfvfs, similar to the FTK Imager viewer...