SCP-3999 is to be contained withSCP-2432. The result of this containment procedure has resulted in a dimensional anomaly opening up within SCP-2432 in the form of a 3m x 25cm x 25cm crawlspace. It is designated SCP-2432-1, leading through the wall in a corner of SCP-2432. It is nor...
If it comes to it, we can have the Foundation front "Matthew Catherine University" conduct some classes for SCP-CN-985. -Dr. ███Footnotes 1. These are examples and do not constitute the full list of SCP-CN-985's requests. For more information, see Document CN-985-5. 2. ...
water, railroad, aerial, space, and other transport. There is a complicated system for assigning transportation priorities and importance classes; SCP objects and resources necessary to contain them usually get top priority. Disposing of arising hindrances during shipments is also a top-priority action...
The lower floor contains the object classes document, security levels document, and the notable MTFs document. The upper floor contains two rooms, with one having a window looking out to the rest of the office. The room on the right contains a proposal for SCP-173's containment. The ...
These objects, or SCPs, range from mundane-looking items with extraordinary effects, to horrific abominations capable of bypassing the most impenetrable containment methods the Foundation puts in place. Throughout the game, you will witness the perspective of the 5 different human classes, each ...
I am trying to devlop a small example where I would use MediaCapture and MediaPlayer classes in universal windows app in order to record and play a short recording. The following call to a constructor... Spring Tool Suite(STS) desktop entry for ubuntu ...
The SCP Foundation's unofficial motto.Secure. Contain. Protect. Remember. We die in the dark, so you can live in the light and the monsters you can't see are more horrifying then the ones you can. Another unofficial motto of the Foundation. The Special C
1.3 Spawning 1.3.1 Classes 1.3.2 Locations 1.4 Related Achievements 1.5 Gallery 2 Trivia In Game Keycards are essential if a player wants access certain parts of the facility, such as the armories, containment chambers, gates, SCP lockers, and other locked doors which require a Keycard to...
Link-Id - MAPI-Id - System-Only False Is-Single-Valued True Is Indexed False In Global Catalog False NT-Security-Descriptor O:BAG:BAD:S: Range-Lower 0 Range-Upper 4096 Search-Flags 0x00000000 System-Flags 0x00000010 Classes used in ms-DS-Service-Connection-Point-Publication-ServiceFeed...
How do I pass params to my devise_invitable controller? I have created an invitation controller that is quite vanilla: And I created a link that triggers that request like so: The issue I am having is that when I get thrown into pry in that action, it does... ...