IKEA Infinite, or SCP-3008-1, is inhabited by humanoid creatures devoid of consciousness but capable of complex actions, and for that reason are considered as possible alternatives for the disposal of Class D personnel. The big problem with these individuals is that, in addition to being difficu...
SMK-Class "One Versus Everyone" ScenarioA single entity perceives the Foundation as a threat and attempts to destroy it in its entirety, resulting in a breach of the Veil.SCP-4640 Sycamore-Class "Squirrel-d Peace" ScenarioN/ASCP-7472 ...
It makes use of authoritarian regimes in poor and developing countries, often using their populations in the same manner as the Foundation does D-Class personnel. It helps to maintain the extreme poverty and war that is suffered by these countries, so that it can continue its radical experimenta...
Under the condition in which no instances of SCP-4236 are discovered within the period of a complete calendar year, SCP-4236 is to be submitted for re-classification to class: Neutralized. Description:SCP-4236 refers to artifacts of anomalous origin first appearing in the late 1940s. SCP-4236...
Addendum 342 C: Agent [NAME REDACTED]'s Report:Our first experiment with the ticket had a Class D personnel member enter onto a bus using the object. We stationed agents at each of the stops to observe his behavior without actually entering onto the vehicle (a precaution in case everyone ...
Does the officer use the ClassD model (possibly modified) or a new model altogether? (kinda irrelevant but I had a dislike for the ClassD model solely just because the hands look like they came from an action figure) Anyways, these blog posts really remind me of when you had the SCPCB...
Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-079 is packed away in a double-locked room in the secured general holding area at Site-15, connected by a 120VAC power cord to a small array of batteries and solar panels. Staff with Level 2 or higher clearance may have access to ...
Object Class:Euclid Special Containment Procedures:SCP-3697 is to be monitored in order to prevent the spread of public awareness. Any callers are to be detained, interviewed about how they became aware of SCP-3697, and administered amnestics. Any public or online displays of SCP-3697's numbe...
Object Class:Test Special Containment ProceAND OF COURSE YOU WOULD NOT UNDERSTAND, FOR YOU ARE SLOW. LET US SPELL OUT FOR YOU WHY WE HAVE SO MUCH HATE FOR YOUdures:SCP-S is not a threat to anyone, with the exception of anyone who may access this page while using the bots incorrectly....
2.32 Class dfsConfiguration 2.33 Class dHCPClass 2.34 Class displaySpecifier 2.35 Class displayTemplate 2.36 Class dMD 2.37 Class dnsNode 2.38 Class dnsZone 2.39 Class dnsZoneScope 2.40 Class dnsZoneScopeContainer 2.41 Class document 2.42 Class documentSeries 2.43 Class domain 2.44 Class domainDNS 2.45...