The scp cb but its hd took super long time to make this is my best work of a mod the mod is free to download go ahead!
SCP:CB v0.1 remake in 1.3.11 Jul 17 2021TBDStealth this mod tries to remake v0.1 in 1.3.11, it will be featuring sounds, textures, images, some of models from old versions and v0.1. i have no idea what... Half-Life: Resonance Cascade ... 上面是下载网址,其实就是单人版本的秘密实验室(但是是改cb的程序,所以是cb的模组),你可以理解为是CB的Site-13(CB是Site-19,SL是Site-13)版本,作者说,他只是把站点的地图改成了Site-13,把权限卡改为门禁卡,改站点就是改房间模型,最大的亮点是增加了... 上面是下载网址,其实就是单人版本的秘密实验室(但是是改cb的程序,所以是cb的模组),你可以理解为是CB的Site-13(CB是Site-19,SL是Site-13)版本,作者说,他只是把站点的地图改成了Site-13,把权限卡改为门禁卡,改站点就是改房间模型,最大的亮点是增加了...
SCP-CB-SL V1.3 May 26 2021Download Here comes another one! SCP CB SL V1.2.1 Apr 30 2021Download Anything I think of to do with this mod I will do eventually. Why is the mod so boring? Mar 13 2021News Today Keter-Class answers why the mod is so boring in case those who wonder...
this is an archive of v2.6.1 of SCP:CB Director's Cut SCP:Containment Breach - Lost Facility - Version 11 0 Mar 3 2025SCP:Lost Facility Mod - RemasteredFull Version1 comment Join the discord server! Version 11.0 is finally out! At least the first part of it, read the description for...
The scp cb but its hd took super long time to make this is my best work of a mod the mod is free to download go ahead! 上面是下载网址,其实就是单人版本的秘密实验室(但是是改cb的程序,所以是cb的模组),你可以理解为是CB的Site-13(CB是Site-19,SL是Site-13)版本,作者说,他只是把站点的地图改成了Site-13,把权限卡改为门禁卡,改站点就是改房间模型,最大的亮点是增加了...
SCP CB: Tiny NPCs is a mod based around SCP CB but slightly harder. Changes include size of different NPCs, speed of different NPCs and yeah, that's about it. But, if you're looking for a challenge I recommend playing this mod. ...