Thanks to this map you can play SCP:CB in Starcraft multiplayer during Halloween, you can play D-Class, SCPs, or Guards, plus there's Keycards. How to play:As D-Class you want to find a keycard, once you find the keycard you need to go to SCP-914 and upgrade it by standing ...
(无误)学会了凌波微步 移动速度增加N倍 1641 hidarime_yume吧 Sonic_714 【SCP173官方Wiki汉化】Keycards/钥匙卡图片来自:Sonic_714的百度相册信息版本/1-5级,通用卡效果/打开锁着的门。位置/办公室、SCP-914、SCP-106的收容室、小实验室【小实验室就是173破窗的那个房间。】 分享2赞 bilibili吧 sunny22220 ...
Keycards Texture Source: - SCP-CB Keycards - Download Free 3D model by //A (@A87Models)
It also has working redstone SCP-294 (only works with Quarters from the 2004-SCP Addon resource pack) and SCP-914 (only works with Keycards and SCP-500 from the 2004-SCP Addon resource pack, and only one item at a time). Map by:Angious2004. Mod by: Bendythedemon18, but I change...
分享3赞 hidarime_yume吧 自奏圣乐▫少年 【SCP173官方Wiki汉化】Keycards/钥匙卡图片来自:Sonic_714的百度相册信息 版本/1-5级,通用卡 效果/打开锁着的门。 位置/办公室、SCP-914、SCP-106的收容室、小实验室 【小实验室就是173破 分享2赞 scp秘密实验室吧 yzqddb 求助大佬:玩的时候特别卡,开uu加速器也...
KeyCardSFX2=LoadSound_Strict("SFX\Interact\KeyCardUse2.ogg") ButtonSFX2=LoadSound_Strict("SFX\Interact\Button2.ogg") ScannerSFX1=LoadSound_Strict("SFX\Interact\ScannerUse1.ogg") ScannerSFX2=LoadSound_Strict("SFX\Interact\ScannerUse2.ogg") ...
分享141 hidarime_yume吧 自奏圣乐▫少年 【SCP173官方Wiki汉化】Keycards/钥匙卡图片来自:Sonic_714的百度相册信息 版本/1-5级,通用卡 效果/打开锁着的门。 位置/办公室、SCP-914、SCP-106的收容室、小实验室 【小实验室就是173破 分享2赞 scp秘密实验室吧 Pinru 为什么我晚上玩游戏的时候左上角的ms永远...
static void scp_source_process_stack_cb(void *vscp) { ScpSource *scp = (ScpSource *)vscp; if (scp->finished) return; /* this callback is out of date */ scp_source_process_stack(scp); } static void scp_requeue(ScpSource *scp) ...
is a free indie survival horror game based on the stories from theSCP Foundation Wiki. The game followssubject D-9341, aClass-Dtest subject being held in a facility containing anomalous entities known asSCPs. When the facility undergoes a catastrophic containment breach, it becomes your goal is...
是一个在 分享11 scp_foundation吧 hotaru1314 scp中文wiki页面建立了欢迎各位前来挖坑不填,喂 分享46 scp_foundation吧 _计算技_ 【原创&非官方&真正电子书】SCP基金会中文档案电子书【txt&pdf】一楼祭天 114713 hidarime_yume吧 Sonic_714 【SCP173官方Wiki汉化】Keycards/钥匙卡图片来自:...