SCP-2427 - A Thing Full of Stuff SCP-2428 - Mr. Mad SCP-2429 - The Human Zoo SCP-2430 - Immortal Hitler Clone SCP-2431 - 1000 Prion Cranes SCP-2432 - Room Service SCP-2433 - This definitely does not help Bernie Sanders SCP-2434 - Carmageddon SCP-2435 - Empty Space SCP-2436 - On...
SCP-2427 - A Thing Full of Stuff SCP-2428 - Mr. Mad SCP-2429 - The Human Zoo SCP-2430 - 不朽的希特勒克隆人 SCP-2431 - 1000 Prion Cranes SCP-2432 - Room Service SCP-2433 - This definitely does not help Bernie Sanders SCP-2434 - Carmageddon SCP-2435 - Empty Space SCP-2436 - One...
One last thing: How does the Foundation get its hands on this journal if it's from an alternate Earth completely flooded with the clones? The rest of this looks really strong. Re: [DISCUSSION] Formation of an AI Detection Team Zoobeeny25 Oct 2024, 04:32 ...
Individuals of interest Eric Creepy Child: Considering what histoys and other possessionsare like, he is likely to be this. The Ghost Nobody Mysterious Watcher Enigmatic Minion/Mysterious Protector: Alternates between the two. Nice Hat: A fedora. ...
SCP Fan Breach is a global mod developed by the Russian wiki community that adds all sorts of stuff. SCP-Guard Mod Apr 30 2021 TBD Adventure This is a mod that changes evreything from SCP-Containment Breach. (HELP WANTED) I need a coder. I Need a room maker I need a texture maker...
This is only a thing popularized by SCP SL. In CB's lore they don't care about anyone. ReplyGood karma+5 votes SomeGuy2391-Aug 16 2024- 9 comments dont they get you out of the facility in that one ending tho ReplyGood karmaBad karma+1 vote ...
Oh, we of little faith. Didn't change a thing. If you want to know the best place to look, Tim's the one to ask. Was the first Humbug dealer I dealt with, still one of the best. Going to him first will save you from so many rubbish dealers. Mention me and he might give a...
Without any need to put in a passcode, swipe a security key, or scan any part of her body or DNA, O'Neil was able to simply pull the door open and step inside. "Y'know, maybe this thing wouldn't get all breachy if you tried locking the door." A long-suffering sigh escaped ...
thing, and it acclimated itself to their belief system. Think of it as something floating in a place close to ours, maybe layered above or beneath. Perhaps there are many creatures like it there. I doubt that an entity like this would exist alone, although I have no proof of this ...
I had a bad feeling , went to check them.. two were sitting in their cells allright, but the third one of them pulled something strange from…the thing must have been sewn into his forearm. Oddly, he didn't bleed that much. I went to the commander. "You got to think in new ...