900 to 999 Content Archives Foundation Universe Hub - For information on Sites, Mobile Task Forces, Departments, and more. Audio Adaptations - Links to audio read-outs of various articles on the site. SCP Series 1 - Tales Edition - Tales associated with SCPs of this Series. 001 to 099 SC...
900 to 999 Content Archives Foundation Universe Hub - For information on Sites, Mobile Task Forces, Departments, and more. Audio Adaptations - Links to audio read-outs of various articles on the site. SCP Series 1 - Tales Edition - Tales associated with SCPs of this Series. 001 to 099 SC...
Along Came A Spider SCP-312 - Atmospheric Jellyfish The White Horse (The Conqueror With The Golden Crown) Incursion SCP-313 - Powerful Hand Dryer Incursion SCP-316 - Color-Draining Light Incursion SCP-317 - Cretaceous Physicist Two Time SCP-321 - Child of Man In The End: We...
It is speculated that ifSCP-999would come into contact with 096, 096 would still be crying, since it is not actually sad, but it just appears to be so. In an attempt to kill SCP-682, it was proposed to put a photo of SCP-096 on SCP-173. This was immediately denied by theO5 Co...
Eric Creepy Child: Considering what histoys and other possessionsare like, he is likely to be this. The Ghost Nobody Mysterious Watcher Enigmatic Minion/Mysterious Protector: Alternates between the two. Nice Hat: A fedora. Community content is available underCC-BY-SAunless otherwise noted....
SCP-3008 — A Perfectly Normal, Regular Old IKEA: An place that inside looks like an IKEA and contains hostile species. Keter SCP-035 — Possessive Mask: A sentient mask with the ability to possess anyone that wears it and rots them into nothingness. ...
SCP-3199 - Humans, Refuted | bittermixin (Mod not affiliated with "SCPCraft" or the old remake of that mod, "Secure Craft Protect". This mods name just unfortunately was coincidentally the same as that mod) (SCP-049 Voice lines done by "The Volgun")...
GitHub Copilot Write better code with AI Security Find and fix vulnerabilities Actions Automate any workflow Codespaces Instant dev environments Issues Plan and track work Code Review Manage code changes Discussions Collaborate outside of code Code Search Find more, search less Explore All...
[]w.gun[]dam[]i.xy[]z([]请自行删除) 服务器主机为腐竹自行购置,双路E5(12c24t)和48G大内存强大的性能保障了服务器的流畅,磁盘阵列和定时备份保障数据安全,领地插件保护不受到熊孩子破坏 本服务器为科技为主题的服务器(因为腐竹是技术宅) 1.12.2安装的Mod:高级火箭,农业工艺,古代战争 +4 1261 僵尸毁灭...
“gun”在网络用语中可能有多种含义,具体取决于上下文和使用的语境。以下是一些可能的解释: 1. **直接含义**:“gun”在英语中的基本意思是“枪”,这是一个与武器相关的词汇。在涉及射击、战争或暴力等话题的网络讨论中,“gun”可能直接指代这一含义。 2. **网络俚语**:在某些网络社区或聊天室中,“gun”可...