900 to 999 Content Archives Foundation Universe Hub - For information on Sites, Mobile Task Forces, Departments, and more. Audio Adaptations - Links to audio read-outs of various articles on the site. SCP Series 1 - Tales Edition - Tales associated with SCPs of this Series. 001 to 099 SC...
900 to 999 Content Archives Foundation Universe Hub - For information on Sites, Mobile Task Forces, Departments, and more. Audio Adaptations - Links to audio read-outs of various articles on the site. SCP Series 1 - Tales Edition - Tales associated with SCPs of this Series. 001 to 099 SC...
Along Came A Spider SCP-312 - Atmospheric Jellyfish The White Horse (The Conqueror With The Golden Crown) Incursion SCP-313 - Powerful Hand Dryer Incursion SCP-316 - Color-Draining Light Incursion SCP-317 - Cretaceous Physicist Two Time SCP-321 - Child of Man In The End: We...
They has a minigun Red Right Hand They has a P90 LackedCoronet45 They has G36C and P90. And he have two candle and M249 on his head Chaos Insurgency Very powerful compared to regular MTFs Class-D with Equipment Melee damages related to weapon. You can give another melee weapon to them...
SCP-MORE GUN-J - Guns Pointed At The Balls Of God SCP-MWT-J - [SELF-PROPAGATING DANGER] SCP-MYSTERY-J - A Mysterious Placeholder SCP-NUMBERONEDOGGO-J - The Goodest of Good Boys SCP-O5-J - Sorry, I do not understand the command. SCP-PL-KOT-J - It's a social experiment SCP-PU...
SCP-106 — The Old Man: An elderly humanoid with the ability to pass through any material and create pocket dimensions at any time. SCP-682 — Hard-to-Destroy Reptile: An indestructible reptilian monster with a hatred for humanity and a desire for all of it to be wiped out. ...
It is speculated that ifSCP-999would come into contact with 096, 096 would still be crying, since it is not actually sad, but it just appears to be so. In an attempt to kill SCP-682, it was proposed to put a photo of SCP-096 on SCP-173. This was immediately denied by theO5 Co...
Eric Creepy Child: Considering what histoys and other possessionsare like, he is likely to be this. The Ghost Nobody Mysterious Watcher Enigmatic Minion/Mysterious Protector: Alternates between the two. Nice Hat: A fedora. Community content is available underCC-BY-SAunless otherwise noted....
SCP-999 is a murlock can scratch you with kill, then you should disharm him with a gun for the secure. SCP-343 is a killing machine that appropriates when you reaching potential taint zone (SCP-860-1 (reaching with beach (SCP-860-2*?))), trying to leave the area by leap the fen...
(Mod not affiliated with "SCPCraft" or the old remake of that mod, "Secure Craft Protect". This mods name just unfortunately was coincidentally the same as that mod)(SCP-049 Voice lines done by "The Volgun")CurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers ...