SCP-970-01 is a cell-block within Sector 19, and the first example of the SCP-970 phenomenon encountered by the Foundation. It was constructed with the intent of housing class-D personnel, and fulfilled that purpose until ██/██/████, when several D-classes breached containment in...
描述:SCP-970是一种空间异常现象,即多个房间出现了群体自我循环。在所有事例中其表现为,一连串位于同一直线上的门,连续打开并穿过后将回到初始位置。这些房间的变化不会影响邻近的房间与楼层。目前尚没有能解释该现象的理论。 SCP-970-01是一间位于Sector-19的斗室,是基金会首个发现的SCP-970异常现象。其建造目的...
SCP-970 is a spatial phenomenon wherein a collection of rooms are looped on themselves. In all cases found, this is by means of a series of doors appearing in the walls, all in a straight line, such that it is possible to walk forwards and end up at the
SCP-970 is a spatial phenomenon wherein a collection of rooms are looped on themselves. In all cases found, this is by means of a series of doors appearing in the walls, all in a straight line, such that it is possible to walk forwards and end up at the starting position. Toate ...
SCP-970 - The Recursive Room SCP-971 - Exotic Fast Food Delivery SCP-972 - Immunity SCP-973 - Smokey SCP-974 - Treehouse Predator SCP-975 - Subway Frogs SCP-976 - Anomalous Hard Drive SCP-977 - The Security Station SCP-978 - Desire Camera SCP-979 - Stoneware Rabbit SCP-980 - An Ab...
SCP-970 这是SCP-970。 就像上图的画面所显示的一样,当这扇门开启门时,后面就会有永远都开不完的门冒出来,但其实还是可以从左边出去的,我原本以为是个BUG呢。不过顺着这些门一直走会发生什么事呢?这个小编我就不知道了(笑)。 SCP-1025 这是SCP-1025,它是一本精装书,和714一样都是放在置物箱上方的(其实...
SCP-970:无尽回廊 SCP-999:痒痒怪 SCP-1025:疾病百科全书 SCP-1026:醉乌 SCP-1048:泰迪熊制造者 SCP-1162:墙上一个洞 SCP-1231:“宇宙孢子” SCP-1483:“龙湖” SCP-1499:防毒面具 SCP-3114:画皮 SCP-3199:否决人类 SCP-5808:“无处不在”