Omega Point - SCP-847 (Explicit)
Item #: SCP-847 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-847 is to be kept in a reinforced modified humanoid containment chamber. For the purpose of ongoing behavioral studies, the room is to be fully furnished with a bed, dresser, couch, table, chair, full-length mirror, ...
SCP-847 Item #: SCP-847 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-847 is kept inside a locked room reinforced with vanadium steel and concrete. In addition, SCP-847 must be kept chained up to at least four of the twelve electrically live hardpoints in the room at all times...
描述:SCP-847是一女性人形模特,高156cm,重27kg,由人发和未知成分纤维聚合物制成,其材料在刮擦和破碎上类似瓷。探索性腹腔镜检测显示SCP-847内部有类似不完整骨骼、器官、主要血管的结构,均以同种聚合物制成。 模特的眼部和损伤处会流出一种黑色油性脂,类似标本塑化用化合物。SCP-847 一直一般处于某种破损状态,...
直播科普scp!国家疯狂打榜!的精彩书评:第五十五章 SCP-847诡谲模特!这模特不正经啊!,更多精彩小说点评尽在飞卢小说网!
SCP-847 - The Mannequin SCP-848 - Interdimensional Spider Web SCP-849 - A Perfect Day SCP-850 - School of Fish SCP-851 - Lullabugs SCP-852 - Lunar Anomaly SCP-853 - Weather Preserves SCP-854 - Dream Bridge SCP-855 - The Film Hall SCP-856 - Leopotamus SCP-857 - Human-Based Ecosys...
SCP-847 - The Mannequin Wriggle Like a Fucking Eel SCP-850 - School of Fish Animalia SCP-852 - Lunar Anomaly I Dreamed A Dream SCP-858 - Gravity's Rainbow Incursion SCP-860 - Blue Key Charon (Part 1: Nekyia) The Spirit of the Forest Most Beautiful Things Exactly What Ha...
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