It is important to note that as task-driven operational units, MTFs are usually explicitly tasked with specific directions, such as special operations, espionage infiltration, or archaeological research. The uniqueness of the mission is a reflection of professionalism and a potential criterion for judg...
描述:SCP-790是████ ████████——以下称为SCP-790-01,自身的血液;目前,其几乎不断地从SCP-790-01的毛孔,泪腺,唾液腺和至少覆盖了其身体约70%范围的的一些深创中流出。这些伤口被认为是在数个月的过程中由SCP-790本身产生的。 对SCP-790-01进行身体检查后表明,SCP-790会系统地攻击其组织和...
SCP-790 - Blood? SCP-791 - Water Orb SCP-792 - The Body Farm SCP-793 - The Ghost Sickness SCP-794 - Desert Shipwreck SCP-795 - Reality-Bending Cat SCP-796 - River Cat SCP-797 - Curious Poltergeist SCP-798 - Cortex Rat SCP-799 - Carnivorous Blanket 800 to 899 SCP-800 - An East...
SCP-MC-790 - 坍塌 SCP-MC-791 - [拒绝访问] SCP-MC-792 - [拒绝访问] SCP-MC-793 - [拒绝访问] SCP-MC-794 - [拒绝访问] SCP-MC-795 - [拒绝访问] SCP-MC-796 - [拒绝访问] SCP-MC-797 - [拒绝访问] SCP-MC-798 - [拒绝访问] SCP-MC-799 - [拒绝访问] 800到899 SCP-MC-800 - ...
由于700竞赛在即,请各位成员选择编号时尽量避免使用700~799以内的编号。若实在无法修改,请尽量避免使用702、750、770、790~799内的编号。站务组对各位贡献者造成的不便深表歉意。 冬日炉火摇曳,故人重拾旧篇。让我们拂去时光的微尘,回味金色的时光,追寻往日的身影。
SCP-790 - Blut? SCP-791 - Wasserkugel SCP-792 - Die Leichenfarm SCP-793 - The Ghost Sickness SCP-794 - Schiffswrack in der Wüste SCP-795 - Realitätsverbiegende Katze SCP-796 - Flusskatze SCP-797 - neugieriger Poltergeist SCP-798 - Kortex-Ratte SCP-799 - Fleischfressende Decke...
taleunusual-incidents-unit page revision: 35, last edited: 27 Dec 2022, 19:41 (790 days ago) Edit Rate (+40) Tags Discuss (24) History Files Print Site tools + Options Help | Terms of Service | Privacy | Report a bug | Flag as objectionable Powered by ...
The full extent of the Reservoir's size is not known exactly, but based on rough estimations and information gathered from SCP-6765-D, it is believed that the Reservoir contains within it over 790,000,000 liters of blood1. This blood exists as a function of SCP-6765-A, and is ...
而现在我在风里站着,不知道要去哪。 现有作品一览(带ℹ的还没翻译,链接到的是en页面) 已发布的原创SCP和故事 使命,在cn的第一篇外围,小时候写的一个中二小短文,模仿GOC使命宣言的 SCP-CN-1357 - 线上时光机,在cn的第一篇skip,无限回溯互联网时间的神秘盒子 ...
790 out.puts 'Detailed Usage:' 791 out.puts " ruby #{File.basename $0} <global option>" 792 out.puts " ruby #{File.basename $0} [<global options>] <task> [<task options>]" 793 794 fmt = " %-20s %s\n" 795 out.puts ...