Real World Authors, writers, readers and people who interact with the SCP-wiki, resulting in changes to the SCP universe they read about, write for, or think of. The result of the cross containment was SCP-682's termination log, as SCP-682 will continually adapt ...
依旧是中文wiki看见的。。。相对比较全(?)姑且搬运一下、、、实验日志 T-98816-OC108/682 插入对SCP-682的抹杀试验 由于SCP-682具有高度的攻击性,适应性和智慧,根据O5(O5 Command)指令的许可,抹杀测试已经被安排好顺序。主要考虑到其免疫力(SCP-409的失败)和适应性的发展,必须先对其组织样本做测试。只有在O...
SCP-682-Cu:(No verbal communication) Dr. ██████:D-085, come look! He's smiling at me! SCP-682-Cu:(No verbal communication) Dr. ██████:Is he not just the cutest lizard D-085? Personnel D-085:Sorry, I don't really like lizards. They kinda scare me. SCP-682-Cu ...
1400: SCP-682 recovers from exposure, despite the loss of limbs and organs. SCP-682 begins regeneration, stating that it will attempt to kill and consume all staff involved in Event 682-E18. SCP-682 appears to now be immune toSCP-409. Use of other SCP items to terminate SCP-682 must ...
科学家,又名博士,是SCP基金会的SCP项目研究人员。他们在SCP - 收容失效中为次要角色。 科学家是基金会中的中坚力量,他们的工作范围从标准领域到专业领域不等。科学家的服装一般为白色短袖扣子衬衫、白色裤子、红色领带和棕色鞋子。 SCP - 收容失效中玩家遇到的大多数科学
If he cannot kill a victim, as seen in the case ofSCP-682,SCP-106, andSCP-173, it will begin to become docile and cry in the corner. SCP-096 evidently inhabited a snowy mountain range (the location of which is redacted) before the Foundation captured it, and was roaming around during...
SCP-682:RAAAWWWRRR Dr. ██████:If you don't talk now, we will remove you from this attempt and place you back into- SCP-682:RAAAAAWWWWRRR Dr. ██████:Pardon? (Motions to move microphone closer) SCP-682:I WILL EAT YOU BECAUS I AM THE BESTEST LIZERD EVER ...
「wiki转载」SCP-076 VS SCP-682 SCP-1867著 只看楼主收藏回复 疾走洋葱-4 SCP-001 11 1883年5月14日:我今天早晨收到了一封极为有趣的信件。我回国至今已有四个月,此前我试图抢先登上险峻的珠穆朗玛峰,结果差点因此丧命。回国后我一直在伦敦进行疗养和研究,一边养伤一边整理着那次惊险的登山之旅的记录,...
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