Following the success of the cross-testing of anomalies at Site-100, SCP-682 was put againstSCP-001-SWANN, Real World Authors, writers, readers and people who interact with the SCP-wiki, resulting in changes to the SCP universe they read about, write for, or think of. The result of the...
"I'm not done yet! 682 wrapped the car around a tree at 150mph. The airbag did not deploy. The big bad lizard is dead." "Of course!" Dr. Bright said. "Drunk driving! Why didn't we think of this sooner! Well, what is the bad news?" "It was your car." DRUNK DRIVING ...
来自Character Profile Wikia,All Fiction Battles Wiki,VS Titan Wiki 权力和能力 超人的力量:682具有令人难以置信的体力,使他能够与他的Keter级收藏品纠缠,几乎没有努力地挖掘地球,割下多个峰值人类收藏品的个人卫队,并穿过金属门,建筑物,坦克等,砸破了地球。 超人速度:682的速度也比步行的大多数车辆要快,以至于...
1400: SCP-682 recovers from exposure, despite the loss of limbs and organs. SCP-682 begins regeneration, stating that it will attempt to kill and consume all staff involved in Event 682-E18. SCP-682 appears to now be immune toSCP-409. Use of other SCP items to terminate SCP-682 must ...
SCP-682:RAAAWWWRRR Dr. ██████:If you don't talk now, we will remove you from this attempt and place you back into- SCP-682:RAAAAAWWWWRRR Dr. ██████:Pardon? (Motions to move microphone closer) SCP-682:I WILL EAT YOU BECAUS I AM THE BESTEST LIZERD EVER ...
摘自《SCP-076(亚伯)VS SCP-682》SCP-1867(海蛞蝓)著 “我今天早晨收到了一封极为有趣的信件。………那是关于我和某个神秘生物近乎致命的邂逅——这个故事恐怕我不会写在私人日记之外的地方——在夏天结束之前我都不打算再次远行。但是,今天的这封信改变了我的计划。这是一封非常正式的信函,写在像结婚请帖...
The SCP Foundation's unofficial motto.Secure. Contain. Protect. Remember. We die in the dark, so you can live in the light and the monsters you can't see are more horrifying then the ones you can. Another unofficial motto of the Foundation. The Special C
玩家可以在大门B听到另一名人员宣布由于SCP-682收容失效,将引爆Alpha弹头的消息。 引用 收容失效后 “该设施已有多个Keter级和Eucild级收容失效。开始全设施封锁。” 九尾狐进入设施后 “通知所有人员:为了保证地表区域的安全,通往大门B的电梯已锁定。请留在避难所内,直到设施确认安全。” ...
后来一名ID为FritzWillie的作者又将内容迁移到了更加方便易用的wiki dot上,也就是目前基金会沿用至今的官网! 整个发展的过程中,SCP基金会呈现出了蓬勃的生命力,在几乎没有官方强引导审核机制下野蛮生长,堪称是互联网时代协同创作的一个奇迹! 接下来就由本喵慢慢道来,这个系列到底有什么样的魔力,可以让这么多粉丝趋...
「wiki转载」SCP-076 VS SCP-682 SCP-1867著 只看楼主收藏回复 疾走洋葱-4 SCP-001 11 1883年5月14日:我今天早晨收到了一封极为有趣的信件。我回国至今已有四个月,此前我试图抢先登上险峻的珠穆朗玛峰,结果差点因此丧命。回国后我一直在伦敦进行疗养和研究,一边养伤一边整理着那次惊险的登山之旅的记录,...