Real World Authors, writers, readers and people who interact with the SCP-wiki, resulting in changes to the SCP universe they read about, write for, or think of. The result of the cross containment was SCP-682's termination log, as SCP-682 will continually adapt ...
1400: SCP-682 recovers from exposure, despite the loss of limbs and organs. SCP-682 begins regeneration, stating that it will attempt to kill and consume all staff involved in Event 682-E18. SCP-682 appears to now be immune toSCP-409. Use of other SCP items to terminate SCP-682 must ...
"I'm not done yet! 682 wrapped the car around a tree at 150mph. The airbag did not deploy. The big bad lizard is dead." "Of course!" Dr. Bright said. "Drunk driving! Why didn't we think of this sooner! Well, what is the bad news?" "It was your car." DRUNK DRIVING ...
依旧是中文wiki看见的。。。相对比较全(?)姑且搬运一下、、、实验日志 T-98816-OC108/682 插入对SCP-682的抹杀试验 由于SCP-682具有高度的攻击性,适应性和智慧,根据O5(O5 Command)指令的许可,抹杀测试已经被安排好顺序。主要考虑到其免疫力(SCP-409的失败)和适应性的发展,必须先对其组织样本做测试。只有在O...
SCP-682:RAAAWWWRRR Dr. ██████:If you don't talk now, we will remove you from this attempt and place you back into- SCP-682:RAAAAAWWWWRRR Dr. ██████:Pardon? (Motions to move microphone closer) SCP-682:I WILL EAT YOU BECAUS I AM THE BESTEST LIZERD EVER ...
SCP-6820-A: a version of SCP-682 as a result of Project ANTIKILL, with the device intending to be used to kill SCP-682, but then it becomes an immortal enigma, corrupt SCP-6820 and becomes SCP-6820-A, a highly dangerous Apollyon Class destroyer with no known physical form. ...
「wiki转载」SCP-076 VS SCP-682 SCP-1867著 只看楼主收藏回复 疾走洋葱-4 SCP-001 11 1883年5月14日:我今天早晨收到了一封极为有趣的信件。我回国至今已有四个月,此前我试图抢先登上险峻的珠穆朗玛峰,结果差点因此丧命。回国后我一直在伦敦进行疗养和研究,一边养伤一边整理着那次惊险的登山之旅的记录,...
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设定那时对wiki而言还是新东西,我们在对现在的基金会的设定创作上取得了巨大的进步。在SCP系列被第一次搬运到Wikidot上时,曾有人争论过到底什么才是SCP系列。有人认为最好就让它含义模糊,但其他人觉得应该为创造一个组织做出设定。我们给这个组织想过各种名号,包括组织、基金会、-2022/12/11 1:31:36回复 ...