SCP-682 Effects: [DATA EXPUNGED] Long story short, we reclassed SCP-682 as Neutralized. You don't even want to fucking know how this little fucker killed it. - Dr. Foxfield SCP-076 Effects: SCP-729-J was placed inside SCP-076’s containment area when scans showed that SCP-076-2’...
Terrorists Without a Cause: Depending on whether or not the reader considers "art" a cause. True Art Is Incomprehensible: In-universe. Individuals of interest Eric Creepy Child: Considering what histoys and other possessionsare like, he is likely to be this. ...
There is a multitude of wonderful works that are posted to the Wiki every month whether they be SCP articles, Tales, GoI Formats, Art pages, Author Pages, Essays, and more! Below, we have all of the creations for this month listed out by week and type (except for art pages, we did ...
Wouldn't 682 be like a SNK boss? Really tough to beat, but beatable with a certain strategy? He would probably be a really fun to battle final boss, though. ReplyOptions Fold Re: SCP Mugen Dr Gears22 Jun 2009, 21:03 Bumping a long-dead idea, because we have new, more inspired bl...
Inside, the vast majority of the space was dominated by workbenches covered in a wide array of half-finished clockwork machines, and various sculptures and art pieces. Unwashed plates, half-drunk mugs of tea, massive dusty tomes, and an impressive amount of vinyl records filled the spaces in-...