SCP-6529 - Eternal, the Feline Form Extends SCP-6530 - Plus Shipping and Handling SCP-6531 - Anthology of Horrors! SCP-6532 - Organized Activities SCP-6533 - Millennium Falcons SCP-6534 - What Can Brown Do For You? SCP-6535 - Sisters Forever <3 SCP-6536 - The Hubris of Megapenthes ...
附录- 2010/06/10:从星系MACS0647-JD侦测到密集能量播报。全球监听站内的潜伏资产截获此播报,其内含以6529种地球语言播放的两条信息[4]。虽然翻译广度巨大,每条广播内的话语近乎于不连贯,为便于阅读已进行过编辑: 整体通知—9009064的生物。你们失败了。你们不能给养你们的幼代。哭泣。钻洞。毫无意义地死去。特别...
danger link to memo April 3rd, 2010. Examples of SCP-5579 in its most infectious vehicle to date. Special Containment Procedures:Project "Bitter Yuca" is currently underway breeding dominant strains of cassava1toxic to SCP-5579. In the unlikely event the general population discovers SCP-5579, a...
警告!警告!收容失效!神秘的序列,可怕的收容物,这个瑰丽诡异的世界上演着一幕又一幕的华丽乐章。收容法庭,苦难修所,噩梦庭院……《透明异常》第1-2集 萌蛋小书· 8-29 10.3万116 03:12 SCP收容失效高清重制版 Classik1448· 3-15 2.2万12 05:04
Contrast with this: "Do your job, because if you don't, we'll do it for you. And we have no idea what the fuck we're doing." That's 3319, by daveyoufool, and it's a perfect summation of what goes before: a sense of benevolent but thoroughly ominous observation, and a sense ...
7 IP 系列型号选择表 IP6535L 7.1 IC 型号选择表 IC 型号 IP6536 IP6523S_NU IP6525TQ IP6535 IP6535L IP6525T_NU IP6525S_OC IP6520 IP6520T IP6520T_PPS IP6537U_C IP6529_C IP6565_CC IP6565_AC IP6538U_AC IP6551 IP6527U_C IP6559_C IP6557_C IP6557_AC IP6557_CC 放电 电流 双路...
Embedded assets within global listening posts intercepted this transmission, which contained two messages played in 6529 terrestrial languages4. Despite the impressive breadth of translation, the wording of each transmission was nearly incoherent, and have been edited for clarity: General Notice - ...
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resolved "" @@ -8437,6 +8474,16 @@ schema-utils@^3.0.0: ajv "^6.12.5" ajv-keywords "^3.5.2" scp2@^0.5.0: version "0.5.0" resolved "