输入:Dodridge特工和Lament特工 输出:利用SCP-5555-J这个新发现的便携遥控开关,我可以一次性处理两个人了!结果……非常有趣。两人的迷你版的皮肤黑色素较之本尊都有所上升,头发则变得更浅,并且烫成尖刺状。我还注意到两人一直扛着肩,始终不放松下来。 笔记:两个小人与我长谈了一番之后,宣称我是他们的“好兄弟...
我从SCP-5555的项目中被除名,回到了日常工作之中。Site██这里的人好像都以为我是在休假,我也将错就错地这么对他们说。 你看,我已经完全搞清楚这是怎么回事了。5555并不是凭空捏造出那些小人的。它其实是把他们从另一个世界——一个所有的人都像他们一样小的世界——拉到了我们的世界。但这种转移是单向的。
SCP-5555 - Made in Heaven SCP-5556 - The Foundation Gets Gnomed SCP-5557 - Balloon of Pseudo-Scotus 𝒫 - 𝒫 and the Little Party SCP-5559-D - The Great Ambrose Bake-Off! SCP-5560 - Corvus Series Pocket Prophet SCP-5561 - EEE-EEEE SCP-5562 - Shrewsbury Key SCP-5563 - A Free ...
SCP-5555 - Made in Heaven SCP-5556 - The Foundation Gets Gnomed SCP-5557 - Balloon of Pseudo-Scotus 𝒫 - 𝒫 and the Little Party SCP-5559-D - The Great Ambrose Bake-Off! SCP-5560 - Corvus Series Pocket Prophet SCP-5561 - EEE-EEEE SCP-5562 - Shrewsbury Key SCP-5563 - A Free ...
SCP-5555-J- The Chibinator SCP-5678-J- That Particular Point On Sunday Where It Feels Like Monday SCP-5846-J- Author's Commentary SCP-5972-J- Kirby Company Vacuum Cleaner SCP-6000-Jay- The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald SCP-6009-J- HerbiVore!? I Barely Even Know Her!
SCP-5555-j Chibinator SCP-573 The Pied Pipe SCP-050 致最聰明的人 SCP-627 The Perpetual Circle SCP-894 - 不見,不聞,不言 SCP-528 -Voodoo Putty SCP-029 - 暗影聖女 SCP-161 - Pinwheels of DOOM!!! SCP-321 - 孩子 SCP-100-J - A big steaming pile of horse shit SCP-693 - Knotty ...
SCP-5555-J - The Chibinator SCP-5678-J - That Particular Point On Sunday Where It Feels Like Monday SCP-5846-J - Author's Commentary SCP-5972-J - Kirby Company Vacuum Cleaner SCP-6000-Jay - The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald SCP-6009-J - HerbiVore!? I Barely Even Know Her!
During an encounter with SCP-729-J, SCP-049 stated that the plushie had the plague and attempted to cure him but fainted. In SCP-5555, it is revealed that the Administrator of the Foundation, and other leaders of the other GOIs are actually powerful immortal beings who use the SCP univer...
他拿着鞋子去修改成适合自己的尺寸了,而那十二个SCP-5555-J个体继续围着前任监督者的尸体跳舞。他们也在唱歌,某种合唱。你肯定能猜到他们在唱什么。这支歌的开头是“叮咚”。 3 “嗨,Josh。” “怎么了,Gnosis?” “那个程序崩溃了。” “哪个?” “那个装了Cray的全部记忆的。” “啊,我了个操。那么我们...