SCP-543 - Noise SCP-544 - The New Voice SCP-545 - Liquid Life/Totenkinder SCP-546 - A Notebook SCP-547 - The Cartesian Business Card SCP-548 - Ice Spider SCP-549 - Ursa Minor SCP-550 - The Ghûl SCP-551 - Impossible Puzzle SCP-552 - Ahead of His Time SCP-553 - Crystalline ...
Description:SCP-543 is a collection of ████ 4-hour VHS videotapes from various manufacturers. Total length of tape is ████ hours. Tapes are labeled with dates and times from ██/██/████ to ██/██/████. All tapes viewed so far appear to be "noise" or "snow...
SCP-543 - Noise SCP-544 - The New Voice SCP-545 - Liquid Life/Totenkinder SCP-546 - A Notebook SCP-547 - The Cartesian Business Card SCP-548 - Ice Spider SCP-549 - Ursa Minor SCP-550 - The Ghûl SCP-551 - Impossible Puzzle SCP-552 - Ahead of His Time SCP-553 - Crystalline ...
Noise耳机主体 充电线 用户手册(即本说明书) 可选配件(如耳帽、收纳盒等,根据具体型号而定) 三、耳机外观与按键介绍 耳机主体:通常采用轻量化材料制成,确保长时间佩戴无负担。 电源键/播放/暂停键:位于耳机侧面或顶部,用于开关机和控制音乐播放。 音量调节键:通常位于电源键附近,用于调整音量大小。 麦克风孔:用...
例如,“Please cease your noise, I'm trying to sleep.”(请别吵了,我正在睡觉。) 3. **Pause**:指暂时的停顿或中止,通常意味着稍后将继续。例如,“Let's pause for a moment and reflect on what we've learned.”(让我们暂停一下,反思一下我们所学到的内容。) 4. **Interrupt**:指打断或扰乱某...
Draw/gain/capture sb.'s attention:吸引某人的注意 例句:The loud noise drew everyone's attention.(巨大的噪音吸引了大家的注意。) 通过以上对 “attention” 用法的详细解析和例句展示,相信您已经能够更准确地理解和运用这个词汇了。在实际应用中,请根据具体语境选择合适的词义和搭配来表达您的意思。©...