Description: SCP-5140 refers to a number of frozen corpses scattered across Mt. Everest, located in the Himalayas of Tibet. The number of SCP-5140 instances is unclear, but accepted to be over 100 and below 200 at the time of writing. SCP-5140 instances are ectoentropic; when physically ...
SCP-5140 - EVEREST SCP-5141 - Studebaker Special Six SCP-5142 - Fruit Salad (っˆڡˆς) SCP-5143 - Heavy Fuel SCP-5144 - The Mood Ring Mushroom SCP-5145 - I Buried The Sun SCP-5146 - Perfect Territory SCP-5147 - The Mannequin Troupe SCP-5148 - Qlippoth SCP-5149 - None of...
SCP-5140 - EVEREST SCP-5141 - Studebaker Special Six SCP-5142 - Fruit Salad (っˆڡˆς) SCP-5143 - Heavy Fuel SCP-5144 - The Mood Ring Mushroom SCP-5145 - I Buried The Sun SCP-5146 - Perfect Territory SCP-5147 - The Mannequin Troupe SCP-5148 - Qlippoth SCP-5149 - None of...
SCP-5140 ("EVEREST") - Do you really need a description ? Climbed by Rounderhouse. 📈 SCP-5110 ("PURE BEAR") - No fuses with lion. No sons born to the union of a grizzly and a zebra. 100% pure uncut bear. Written by RubyIguess. SCP-5966 ("The Artist and the Patron") - ...
项目编号:SCP-5140 无效化时间:22/02/2021 记录:珠穆朗玛峰坍塌。大规模记忆删除行动已在全球实行,但效果不佳。公众对此事的阴谋论观点以极大速度发酵,推定帷幕破碎情景的发生可能性已随之提高。 项目编号:SCP-8900 无效化时间:23/02/2021 记录:目前回收的信息为,SCP-8900在世界范围内被同时无效化。人们对部分有...
项目编号:SCP-5140 无效化时间:22/02/2021 记录:珠穆朗玛峰坍塌。大规模记忆删除行动已在全球实行,但效果不佳。公众对此事的阴谋论观点以极大速度发酵,推定帷幕破碎情景的发生可能性已随之提高。 项目编号:SCP-8900 无效化时间:23/02/2021 记录:目前回收的信息为,SCP-8900在世界范围内被同时无效化。人们对部分有...
长江(太多了一时没想起来) 黄河(cn2409,cn2417) 月球(cn2846,2821等,所有带“月球”标签的) 太阳(破晓之时,cn2305) 尸体(2316,所有带“尸体”标签的文) 珠穆朗玛峰(5140) 青海湖(4690) 里根(割喉里根) 小布什(4444) 肯尼迪(hamrony,其实就是Roget的001提案) 特朗普(5004) 阿道夫(是音乐家那个,不是另...
百度贴吧 聊兴趣,上贴吧 立即打开 打开百度贴吧 综合 贴 吧 人 直播 scp_foundation吧 06级go 新机动特遣队:Delta-14粗略翻译: MTF Delta-14“凛冬幻境” 特遣队任务:专门处理和控制零度以下或寒冷环境中的异常或与雪有关的异常的机动特遣队。 协助收容的项目: 异...
Item #:SCP-5140 Time of Neutralization:22/02/2021 Record:Mt. Everest collapsed. Large-scale amnesticization was applied on a global level, but results were unsatisfactory. Rapid spread of conspiracy theories regarding this incident implies that the risk of a Veil failure is rapidly increasing. ...