描述:SCP-4712外观呈不可见人形,根据博士三木■■描述,目标为健壮的成年男性,身高约■■■厘米且[数据删除]。 当SCP-4712独处任何房间内至少24小时后,房间内会出现至多3张标准A4纸和不定尺长度的铅笔,任何试图观察这些纸笔产生途径的方法均以失败告终。鉴于SCP-4712具有如下文所述的异常特性,收容室中产生的纸张不允...
SCP-4712 - A Failure of Purpose SCP-4713 - "Astromoles" SCP-4714 - My Unicorn Friend SCP-4715 - A Demon Born of War SCP-4716 - The Plutovore's Cookbook SCP-4717 - Let It R.I.P SCP-4718 - Unsinkable SCP-4719 - Cat-train SCP-4720 - So Come on ye Childhood Heroes! Won’t ...
SCP-4712 SCP-5079 SCP-5512 SCP-5626 SCP-5923 SCP-5957 SCP-6094 SCP-6364 SCP-6520 SCP-7602 行動報告: Project Hecatoncheires under Site-93 Director Varga: Rabban Hormizd Monastery - 3rd May, 1992 Moscow, Russia - 11th June, 1993 Extranormal Event #8832 - 3rd July, 1993 Site-91 - ...
SCP-4712 - A Failure of Purpose SCP-4713 - “宇航鼠” SCP-4714 - 我的独角兽朋友 SCP-4715 - 化生自战争的恶魔 SCP-4716 - 食富者的烹饪书 SCP-4717 - 让它安息 SCP-4718 - Unsinkable SCP-4719 - 猫猫火车 SCP-4720 - “从漫画书上唤起他们!儿时英雄登场!” SCP-4721 - 欧几里得 SCP-4722 -...
▷ Incident 4612-1 – LEVEL 4/4612 CLASSIFIED. search for SCP-4612-B is ongoing Hecatoncheires Cycle SCP-4612: Not All Gods Decompose|SCP-4712: A Failure of Purpose >>
Documentation of Project Hecatoncheires: 19/12/1986-SCP-4612 01/07/1991-SCP-4712 03/04/1992-SCP-5512 21/01/1987-SCP-5612 27/04/1992-Catching Up 29/04/1992-Looking Forward 03/05/1992-Cleaning House 15/08/1992-SCP-3743 22/02/1993-Repatriation ...
A series of vignettes showing the every day public's reactions to the reveal of Vanguard and the ever changing world, seen through the eyes of several different individuals. World building galore! Divine Intervention- In collab withUncle Nicolini ...
SCHUNK 0309262 4712 302753 COAX 3-HPB-H 15 71052 BEDIA PLS40 322557 BUHLER 100071366 049851 001 EGE TGMT015GSP ASM RMS-2C345 GANTER Schnellsteck_Kupplung_GN_240_1_M6_A INGUN SKS 465 306 230A 2002MF BAR PKO-3/4-I-020-C055 DN20 PN40 ITT 105P1S212整定值小于3.5bar AB KPChg 63-3...