SCP-4498-老鼠:赞美伟大Jack。赞美肮脏的下面。 SCP-4498-老鼠个体全部进入垃圾堆中。SCP-4498-Fant落下。 VL.4498/4外部摄像头#17 多个SCP-4498个体站在大木船甲板上,确信这是在一台基金会制M1阿巴拉姆斯坦克的顶上建造。SCP-4498-Z.Kiryu站在船头,一条腿搭在船首上。可看到特工Troy Lament被捆在船桅杆上,...
Item#:4498 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: caution link to memo Agents of MTF Rh-8 approaching Site-53. Site-53 near Pittsburgh, PA. Special Containment Procedures:All instances of SCP-4498 are to be restricted to the 4498 Quarantined Exclusion Zone, forme...
SCP-4493 - Keep Pride Out of Corps SCP-4494 - The Specter Fights For Justice! SCP-4495 - A God for Pigs SCP-4496 - Gold Plastic Syndrome (Infectious) SCP-4497 - Whose Cuisine Reigns Supreme?! SCP-4498 - The Plurality of Elias Shaw SCP-4499 - YES, ONLY $44.99!4500...
SCP-4495 - 猪们的救世主 SCP-4496 - Gold Plastic Syndrome (Infectious) SCP-4497 - 谁是大厨神?! SCP-4498 - 多元化的Elias Shaw SCP-4499 - 是的,只要44.99美刀! 4500到4599 SCP-4500 - 苏格拉底式收容措施 SCP-4501 - 薄荷山脉 SCP-4502 - Emily The Eldritch Ergot Goddess & Friends SCP-4503 ...
SCP-096, also known as the Shy Guy, is a supporting antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. It is a Euclid class anomaly contained by the Foundation, who will know if someone looked at its face and relentlessly pursue that individual until violently mur
SCP-4498 ("The Plurality of Jack Bright") - It's Brights all the way down. Written by djkaktus. 📈SCP-4523 ("Cave Story") - Not the game. Written by kingpogan. 📈SCP-4630 ("I Put My Lettuce in the CRISPR and Now It's Sapient") - Dr. Cabbage will see you now. Written ...
>响应重写进程76-4498,安全警报58B激活。 安全警报激活,安保程序启动。 >访问256c 访问拒绝,文档需求总部或更高的安保等级。 > 访问256c,启动重写程式76-4498 From: HR_76-5974 To: 指挥员 76-1389 首先正式恭喜你晋升至这个职位,Trent将军——虽然这你的前任来说很糟糕,不过这就是在基金会工作的常态。言归... 有关使用 scp 命令的更多选项,可以查看手册,命令是:man scp 总结 Linux SCP 命令是一种在两个远程节点之间传输文件的便捷且安全的方式,而无需担心者窥探你的数据。
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根据您提供的线索“梨手难过开心”,虽然这不是一个直接明了的成语提示,但我们可以尝试解析并给出一个可能的成语答案。这里的关键词似乎混合了“梨”、“手”、“难过”和“开心”。不过,直接匹配这些词的常见成语并不存在。因此,我会基于一种可能的理解或谐音来猜测: 成语猜测:离愁别绪(或理解为类似意境的成语,...