SCP-3812 - An immensely powerful reality altering entity of indeterminate form. SCP-2747 - A phenomenon involving discussions of fictitious or non-existent media, dwelling in metafictional narratives. Unknown - SCP-3812 can be seen engaging in acts of artistic creation with trace presence of SCP-...
This way the author can write 3812 into layer -2, then the proxy author into -1. The entity would then ascend (as per the author's intention) and fulfill its purpose. However, if you zoom out, you realize -2 and -1 are part of the same story. -2 is the metanarrative to -1,...
SCP-3812: I have seen an infinite shore, one that stretches out before us beyond what the mind can comprehend. Each grain of sand on that beach, each droplet of water and molecule of air is a story to be told. Each is a song to be sung. Each of them is full of life, of laught...