声音分析SCP-3806-A表明其极有可能为女性,年约65到85岁,患有任克氏水肿,推测是长期使用烟草所致。它将总是会用拨叫者的母语及方言与对方对话。同时测试会导致拨叫者被搁置1,表明SCP-3806-A是受限于正常时空的单一实体。 SCP-3806-A自称代表某名为“葛兰督斯殿堂”的组织,可为客户安排特别的来生。这些言论当前...
SCP-3806-A:You're 2 for 2 kiddo. We've made contracts with numerous cosmic entities who are both willing and able to shepherd mortal souls to their choice of afterlife. We tell you what afterlives we know about and how to get in to them. Our certified psychopomps will escort you to ...
SCP-3806 - I AM AWAITED IN VALHALLA! SCP-3807 - A Real Bad Hombre SCP-3808 - Bacon Cheeseburger That Demands Justification SCP-3809 - Love in the Time of Algorithms SCP-3810 - Angela Carter Presents: "The Saltwater Heart" SCP-3811 - A Therapist Needs A Therapist SCP-3812 - A Voice ...
SCP-3806 - I AM AWAITED IN VALHALLA! SCP-3807 - A Real Bad Hombre SCP-3808 - Bacon Cheeseburger That Demands Justification SCP-3809 - Love in the Time of Algorithms SCP-3810 - Angela Carter Presents: "The Saltwater Heart" SCP-3811 - A Therapist Needs A Therapist SCP-3812 - A Voice ...
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公司编号:2118991 股本:- 注册日期:2014-07-10 电话:- 邮箱:- 网址:- 地址: 3806 CENTRAL PLAZA, 18 HARBOUR ROAD, WANCHAI, HONG KONG 简介:SCP (HK) Limited,成立于2014年,位于香港特别行政区。展开发票抬头 数据纠错 关注登记信息 发生变更时通知我 商业登记号码 63566005 企业名称 SCP (HK) Limited ...
~ AFifthistin "Theogenesis". “It's just… It's just every time I turn around I'm being sent another cult by my father. He says it's my destiny to have a sex cult like him. It's a family thing. He's a sex god, his father-mother-parent was a blood lord, his-her-its pro...
“REVERT TO MY DOMAIN.„ ~ Yaldabaoth to the Foundation personnel as they were about to escape from SCP-5001. “Then came the Clockworks and the Dragon. Machine and Flesh, And there love spread long through blue and red, But doomed it was as Flesh consumed worlds, ...
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