Item #: SCP-3797 Object Class: Thaumiel Special Containment Procedures: As SCP-3797 does not yet exist, it does not require containment. The Temporal Anomalies Department is to build SCP-3797. They are permitted to use other SCP objects and temporal anomalies in this process, with O5 approval...
描述:SCP-3797是一种追溯型武器,项目有能力在被激活后于相对过去的某一天终结一个目标。SCP-3797将在未来的某一时刻被使用至少一次,以在0742 UTC,06/13/2015终结SCP-3797-ARC。目前尚未知晓SCP-3797是如何运作的。 SCP-3797-ARC是一顶点型多功能实体。SCP-3797-ARC具有将近全知的特性,但并不具有预知能力。见S...
SCP-3797-ARC SCP-4455 SCP-4800 SCP-7771 行動報告: 奧林帕斯的山坡上 回到頂端 MTF Omega-45 「街頭武士」 機動特遣隊任務:一個專門使用異常武器,裝甲及載具的精銳戰鬥特遣隊,通常負責收容高風險異常及打擊敵對組織。駐站於Site-78 投用項目: SCP-6952 協助收容的項目: SCP-042-INT SCP-6548 SCP-7114 ...
Within the Foundation's global network of forces, a significant portion of the Mobile Task Forces are led by the Foundation's Chinese branch and are concentrated in China and throughout East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Western Pacific region. This prominent affiliation and operational scope has...
SCP-3797 - The Once and Future Gun SCP-3798 - There Are Flowers There SCP-3799 - A Short History of Snowfall 3800 to 3899 SCP-3800 - Many Grandparents Ago SCP-3801 - Based on a True Story SCP-3802 - hare growth by dado SCP-3803 - Custom-Made Business Cards, On the Go! SCP-3804...
SCP-3797-ARC SCP-4455 SCP-4800 SCP-7771 行动报告: 在奥林匹斯的山坡上 SCP-3301测试记录 回到顶部 机动特遣队Omega-45(“Street Samurai”-街头武士) 特遣队任务:一支精锐的战斗部队,负责使用异常武器以及装甲车辆执行回收高危险异常和对抗敌对组织的任务。驻扎在Site-78 利用项目 SCP-6952 协助收容的项目: SCP-...
SCP-3797 - The Once and Future Gun SCP-3798 - There Are Flowers There SCP-3799 - A Short History of Snowfall 3800 to 3899 SCP-3800 - Many Grandparents Ago SCP-3801 - Based on a True Story SCP-3802 - hare growth by dado SCP-3803 - Custom-Made Business Cards, On the Go! SCP-3804...
SCP-3797 - 過去及未來之械 SCP-3798 - There Are Flowers There SCP-3799 - 降雪簡史 3800至3899 SCP-3800 - Many Grandparents Ago SCP-3801 - Based on a True Story SCP-3802 - hare growth by dado SCP-3803 - Custom-Made Business Cards, On the Go! SCP-3804 - Communiqués from the Apocalyp...
• SCP-3797-ARC • SCP-4455 行动报告: • On The Slope Of Olympus • SCP-3301 测试记录 回到顶部 机动特遣队Stigma-9(“Evolved from Naturally Occurring Gears, Levers and Pulleys”-从自然出现的齿轮,把手和滑轮演变而来)  特遣队任务:历史上,破碎之神教会总是自傲于自己的异常造物--这是它们...