项目编号:SCP-3319 项目等级:Thaumiel 特殊收容措施:SCP-3319当前处于临近山峰上的远程观察站的持续监控下。任何活动变化都应立即报告给Naismith博士。 基金会网络筛查器Trinidad-1将从卫星图像中移除SCP-3319的任何图像。因其地处偏远平民接触SCP-3319不太可能发生,将使用北极熊庇护所作为阻挡访问的掩盖。 如即将发生K...
SCP-3319 - The Clusterfuckalypse SCP-3320 - Ethical Relativity SCP-3321 - Edge of the Universe SCP-3322 - Sister Cities SCP-3323 - R35urr3c710n SCP-3324 - Getting kidney stones in the past is more useful than you'd think SCP-3325 - Live Entertainment SCP-3326 - The Threads of Fate ...
SCP-3319 - The Clusterfuckalypse SCP-3320 - Ethical Relativity SCP-3321 - Edge of the Universe SCP-3322 - Sister Cities SCP-3323 - R35urr3c710n SCP-3324 - Getting kidney stones in the past is more useful than you'd think SCP-3325 - Live Entertainment SCP-3326 - The Threads of Fate ...
SCP-3319 - The Clusterfuckalypse SCP-3320 - Ethical Relativity SCP-3321 - Edge of the Universe SCP-3322 - Sister Cities SCP-3323 - R35urr3c710n SCP-3324 - Getting kidney stones in the past is more useful than you'd think SCP-3325 - Live Entertainment SCP-3326 - 2005年5月3日,托比亞斯...
SCP 3319 胡闹末日 新基石 K级情景的分类与描述 SCP 766 空气中的奇怪人形 SCP 1608 浮空鲸 守夜 停止进入循环 启示录 公爵的末日 六天 研究员的研究档案片段 破碎之神的破碎圣经 涨潮 SCP 450 废弃的联邦监狱 SCP 515 沉眠者 SCP 1601已编辑记录 SCP 1628 1812号储存隧道 SCP 4514 凶器 SCP 1018 饥渴 可...
“这么说,我们恐怕要做最坏的打算了,六号,3319装置准备就绪了吗?” “没问题,一切妥当,唯一遗憾是这玩意一旦启动,就会将地球传送至鬼知道是什么样的平行宇宙,同时抹去超过99%的平民人口。”全息投影中,身在加拿大纽芬兰岛西北部某机密设施中的O5-6敬了一个爽快的牛仔脱帽礼,他的左手照旧拄着那跟标志性的狼头拐...
SCP-3319 ("The Clusterfuckalypse") - There is no evidence that SCP-3319 is of any strategic value to the Foundation against SCP-001. Written by daveyoufool. SCP-3116 ("It's time to stop posting") - "grace we have to get married or i'm gonna SHIT." Written by Communism will win...
存于圣杯堡死后世界的伟大织工,戈比尼克第七亲王,蜘蛛之神,不可撼动者,三新月倡议幕后的强大现实扭曲实体,管理着充满沙与血的三月宇宙,在戈比尼克的天空上拥有跨越千万光年的堡垒,掌握SCP-3319「莲花」的启动权。 阿拉卡达四领主 分别掌管阿拉卡达迷城(SCP-2264)位面的白、黑、红、黄四种颜色。既使在王不在时,他...
Contrast with this: "Do your job, because if you don't, we'll do it for you. And we have no idea what the fuck we're doing." That's 3319, by daveyoufool, and it's a perfect summation of what goes before: a sense of benevolent but thoroughly ominous observation, and a sense ...