SCP-3232-1 appears to originate from inside the pillow, exiting the casing through small holes in the seams. All attempts to examine the interior of the pillow casing have been met with failure. The cloth seems to be resistant to further tear or damage, and attempting to insert a camera ...
SCP-231「特殊个人需求」是SCP基金会系列中的项目之一。七位怀孕的少女,分别以SCP-231-1~SCP-231-7命名,暗示对应《启示录》中待揭开的七印,一旦生产就会引发与揭开七印相对应的灾害。现231-1~6均已生产并死亡,231-7因有引起XK级世界末日光景可能被基金会以特别个人程序压制。角色介绍 描述 SCP-231-7是...
SCP-3232 - Bug Pillow SCP-3233 - Tenrec Goddess Reborn SCP-3234 - Pure Grey Static SCP-3235 - The Baba-disease SCP-3236 - All Those Fucking Ideas SCP-3237 - A Man Who is Not Cold SCP-3238 - dado juice SCP-3239 - When Death Comes Calling SCP-3240 - The Bones Of What You Believe...
SCP-3232 - Bug Pillow SCP-3233 - Tenrec Goddess Reborn SCP-3234 - Pure Grey Static SCP-3235 - The Baba-disease SCP-3236 - All Those Fucking Ideas SCP-3237 - A Man Who is Not Cold SCP-3238 - dado juice SCP-3239 - When Death Comes Calling SCP-3240 - The Bones Of What You Believe...
SCP-3232 - Bug Pillow SCP-3233 - Tenrec Goddess Reborn SCP-3234 - Pure Grey Static SCP-3235 - The Baba-disease SCP-3236 - All Those Fucking Ideas SCP-3237 - A Man Who is Not Cold SCP-3238 - dado juice SCP-3239 - When Death Comes Calling SCP-3240 - The Bones Of What You Believe...
回复@空白の回溯 :惊悚乐园那个scp剧本写的确实挺好,而且惊悚乐园被别的宇宙的人当成收容物在研究,还命名scp-3232,玩家scp-3232-1 2023-09-14 23:37103回复 共91条回复, 点击查看 菜白233 笔记大哭,用了两年的饭卡贴,别人看见了问我这是什么东西。现在终于在视频软件里重见scp了展开 2023-09-14 22:...