SCP-3144 Item #: SCP-3144 Object Class:Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Foundation webcrawlers are to survey forums dedicated to discussion of professional wrestling and delete any discussions related to discrepancy between perception of any given match or other form of media related to profession...
Within the Foundation's global network of forces, a significant portion of the Mobile Task Forces are led by the Foundation's Chinese branch and are concentrated in China and throughout East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Western Pacific region. This prominent affiliation and operational scope has...
SCP-3144 - The Real World Is Faker Than Wrestling SCP-3145 - Self-Insert SCP-3146 - Money Match SCP-3147 - Tongue Twisted SCP-3148 - Tranquility SCP-3149 - Monkey Business SCP-3150 - The Caravanserai at the End of the World SCP-3151 - Movie in a Bottle SCP-3152 - The Last Love ...
SCP-3144 - The Real World Is Faker Than Wrestling SCP-3145 - Self-Insert SCP-3146 - Money Match SCP-3147 - Tongue Twisted SCP-3148 - Tranquility SCP-3149 - Monkey Business SCP-3150 - The Caravanserai at the End of the World SCP-3151 - Movie in a Bottle SCP-3152 - The Last Love ...
SCP-3144 - The Real World Is Faker Than Wrestling SCP-3145 - Self-Insert SCP-3146 - Money Match SCP-3147 - Tongue Twisted SCP-3148 - Tranquility SCP-3149 - Monkey Business SCP-3150 - The Caravanserai at the End of the World SCP-3151 - Movie in a Bottle SCP-3152 - The Last Love ...
比亚不解:“什么人?”3144盯着比利,冷冷的语言,讽刺的意味:“什么人?你旁边的人应该知道吧。” 比利不解的站在原地,3144继续道:“对吧,逃兵先生。”比利倒是释然的开口:“你想表示什么?”事实上,比利正在抑制自己的怒意。 “很简单,逃兵,你配吗?战斗部队,你配吗?你就应 (本章未完,请翻页) ...
一名队员领头走了出来,又是另一位:“3144,前来报道!”接着越来越多,最后到了他们的队长,这个不高不低的男人,却总能给人一种安全感,他开口:“2650,前来报道!” 基金会分部的人愣住了,他们理解这个代号,眼前这个男人,可以说是上一届机动部队的人了,老手一枚!这名队长叫亚克利,他简单报告了一下队伍情况:“...
该区域基金会一直用无人机监管了两天,终于等到了机动特遣队的到来,当日直升飞机呼呼作响,基金会分部全体人员在外欢迎,这是基金会在上个月新建的机动特遣队——无命者。 这支机动特遣队仅仅始创一个月,便完成的诸多困难的任务,可见他们成员的不凡!“3148,前来报道!”一名队员领头走了出来,又是另一位:“3144,前...
3144盯着比利,冷冷的语言,讽刺的意味:“什么人?你旁边的人应该知道吧。” 比利不解的站在原地,3144继续道:“对吧,逃兵先生。”比利倒是释然的开口:“你想表示什么?”事实上,比利正在抑制自己的怒意。 “很简单,逃兵,你配吗?战斗部队,你配吗?你就应该……到D……”话没说完,3144被一拳抡倒,鼻血直流…… ...
1.增加SCP012,914的收容间 2.增加了电门,眨眼系统 0.11 1.增加耗电后的对讲机 0.13 1.增加...