SCP-3125 - The Escapee SCP-3126 - The Immobile Muse SCP-3127 - Nineteen Year Old Jessica Lambert And A Female Pig Of Abnormal Size, Forever SCP-3128 - Let's Play Monopoly! SCP-3129 - Mr. November SCP-3130 - The Princess and Her Bodyguards Walk Alone SCP-3131 - Music is Life SCP-...
SCP-3125 - The Escapee SCP-3126 - The Immobile Muse SCP-3127 - Nineteen Year Old Jessica Lambert And A Female Pig Of Abnormal Size, Forever SCP-3128 - Let's Play Monopoly! SCP-3129 - Mr. November SCP-3130 - The Princess and Her Bodyguards Walk Alone SCP-3131 - Music is Life SCP-...
VictorJohnDunneSmith.oci uploaded file: AUTOGEN_PRESCRIPTION_31255.txt Show this to them immediately. They will say they don't have it; tell them to check anyway. Take a dose immediately, and come back here. This is a Level 5 order; everything else can wait. What is it? Something to...
" O5-8 says. "You suggested that it would be possible to synthesise an idea an order of magnitude still more powerful than SCP-3125, specifically designed to neutralize SCP-3125, and under our control. A countermeme."
SCP-3125 - 亡命之人 SCP-3126 - The Immobile Muse SCP-3127 - Nineteen Year Old Jessica Lambert And A Female Pig Of Abnormal Size, Forever SCP-3128 - 讓我們來玩大富翁吧! SCP-3129 - Mr. November SCP-3130 - The Princess and Her Bodyguards Walk Alone SCP-3131 - Music is Life SCP-3132...
A book adaptation of the first series of "There is No Antimemetics Division". It revolves around the Antimemetics Division's directorMarion Wheelerwho in her search for the truth about the unexplained disappearance of the original Antimemetics Division she comes acrossSCP-3125and is soon followed...
或者是3125?我这也不清楚啊,我没有论战的想法,我就说一下。 怪兽娘戴魔 3-6 50 基金会是基金会还是姬金会还是基金会 有瓜有眼 (挠头) Monika 3-6 2 到底是什么干掉了成龙的朱元璋(CN3880) 赞美愚者... 如题 贴吧用户_... 3-6 2 忽然好奇创作者的年龄层分布 Bumaro 虽然在大众视野...
有一种说法是占位符体系下认为玩弄叙事层是可笑的不如3125这种 临兵斗者... 这是什么意思?好像是说玩弄叙事是虚幻的,3125这种反而更现实也更厉害。 我不太明白是什么意思。因为通常是认为叙事的力量是最强的。 我不太理解... 星坠城的... 2-22 0 如何正确宣传基金会 或绿化 想宣传基金会让别人喜欢...
本作品为SCP基金会东方Project的同人作品,本作中含有许多二次设定不代表原作,同时向东方Project原作者太田顺也(znu)和SCP基金会的诸位创作者(人太多就不一一列举了)和将他们翻译成中文的翻译者(依然无法一一列举)表示感谢。 如果有人想转载必须附上作者姓名,且禁止在未经本人许可的情况下将其用于盈利,注意:剧情方面...
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