取消扼喉的过程,需要新怪谈-3114玩家主动松开鼠标右键或者收到外界的攻击。 一旦新怪谈-3114掐住人类,人类会收起任何物品,无法进行自救(有些情况例外,如Mirco H.I.D.即将开火时掐住对方并不会强迫对方收起,会被对方电流伤害所打断,对方持有手雷并拉环,掐住对方不会收起手雷,对方可以扔出去。在Mirco H.I.D.蓄力时,...
SCP-1026:醉乌 SCP-1048:泰迪熊制造者 SCP-1162:墙上一个洞 SCP-1231:“宇宙孢子” SCP-1483:“龙湖” SCP-1499:防毒面具 SCP-3114:画皮 SCP-3199:否决人类 SCP-5808:“无处不在” SCP-5809:“原” SCP-7127:“死亡的传播者” SCP-9527:“咆哮魔” ...
he attempted to fight back but was unable to do appreciable damage to SCP-3114. However, this did agitate SCP-3114 a great deal, and damage to the subject was greater than in other observed cases. SCP-3114 gave up removing the subject's bones partway through when it became clear the sub...
SCP-3114 - Wouldn't it be Chilly? SCP-3115 - 99.7 Cognitohazard FM SCP-3116 - It's time to stop posting SCP-3117 - A Monster-Shaped Hole SCP-3118 - Lunch Gun SCP-3119 - Lord of the Dance SCP-3120 - Help Desk SCP-3121 - Get Out of My Head SCP-3122 - You Have Reached Your...
SCP-3114 - Wouldn't it be Chilly? SCP-3115 - 99.7 Cognitohazard FM SCP-3116 - It's time to stop posting SCP-3117 - A Monster-Shaped Hole SCP-3118 - Lunch Gun SCP-3119 - Lord of the Dance SCP-3120 - Help Desk SCP-3121 - Get Out of My Head SCP-3122 - You Have Reached Your...
当满足以下条件时,可以在SCP-2536中找到磁带播放器: 回合至少持续了7分钟。 至少有30%的玩家是观察者。 之前的回合中未使用过磁带播放器。 有趣的是,SCP-3114可以使用磁带播放器,尽管游戏内表明他不能使用任何物品,它可以正常的变成SCP-1507 -阿尔法,并且SCP-1507也将会正常生成。 分类:...
D-9341是基于SCP基金会系列改编的单机游戏《SCP收容失效》及其衍生作品中的角色之一。D-9341,D级人员,原名本杰明·奥利弗·沃克,原为基金会4级研究员,因跨级研究违禁项目而被降为D级,但同时也获得了读档能力。游戏简介 著名恐怖游戏《SCP收容失效》的主角,由玩家操控。Site-██发生站点级收容失效,D-9341则...
It breaks the meta and mold of the wiki in fascinating ways and is a uniquely character-focused take on the end of the world. An Old Woman and her Garden - A fairy tale about a sweet old lady and her garden of undead horrors. Written by fieldstone. An Old Woman's unique protagonist...
演示电路 SCP-LTC3114-1-EVALZ 配有 LTC3114-1,该套件是宽工作范围、同步单片降压-升压转换器,具有可编程的平均输出电流。该电路的输入电压范围为 2.2V 至 40V。像信号链电源系列中的所有电路板一样,该板可轻松插入其他 SCP 板中,以形成完整的信号链电源系统,从而能够