SCP-3008-2 caught and killed the man before itself being terminated by armed response personnel. This incident represents the only time an instance of SCP-3008-2 has been seen exiting SCP-3008. A full autopsy on the corpse was performed; see 3008-2 Autopsy Log for more details. The man ...
Autopsy discovered the subject's body covered with scratch and bite marks and infected with bubonic plague, toxoplasmosis, and subacute regional lymphadenitis ("cat scratch fever"). The bodies of the deceased security personnel displayed similar characteristics. A small housecat was found in SCP-682...
Date of Recovery:██/03/██17 Location of Recovery:Site-17Site ██ ——Site 19Warsaw, PolandBangkok, ThailandArea ██Moscow, RussiaAuckland, New ZealandDallas, United StatesFloating in the Indian OceanEntrance to SCP-3008Zurich, SwitzerlandCurrently Missing. Current Status:Unknown Note:We’re...
a man left the scp-3008, 10 seconds after a scp-3008-2 individual followed. Scp-3008-2 killed the man and was killed by an armed response. The accident was the only time that scp-3008-2 individuals left scp-3008. Complete autopsy was carried out on the body, and see the details of...