A roblox horror game adaption of SCP-3008, a popular SCP coming from the SCP Foundation community. The player's goal is to survive as they roam around the infinite ROKEA looking for food, building bases, and meeting new players as they prepare to defend themselves against humanoids designated...
歌曲名《Falling Down (SCP 3008 & Roblox)》,由 Game Over 演唱,收录于《Funny Horror, Pt. 1》专辑中,《Falling Down (SCP 3008 & Roblox)》下载,《Falling Down (SCP 3008 & Roblox)》在线试听,更多Falling Down (SCP 3008 & Roblox)相关歌曲推荐,尽在网易云音乐
00:00/00:00 RobloxSCP3008:宜家超市大冒险!把家具堆起来跑酷! 星星沙场2020.07.06 00:00 +1 首赞 RobloxSCP3008:宜家超市大冒险!把家具堆起来跑酷!…