the idea for which originates from the SCP-3008 creepypasta. It consists of recreated house ambients and rooms full of furniture, vending sections of materials and such. Basically what you'd find in a normal retail store, but adapted to the Minecraft game.The mod is, in fact, vanilla styl...
SCP3008游戏版本合集导言 SCP3008,专属的危险逃脱解密游戏为你展开,只要你的实力够强你就可以逃离危险的地方,精致的界面配上简单的点击操作,氛围紧张刺激,被恐怖阴森所笼罩,非常考验大家的胆量与智商,这里就有SCP3008系列游戏,欢迎胆大的玩家下载试试。 2025/3/7 13:51:55 ...
The mod is really good but I think you should add more plots, like perhaps an armory or a makeshift house that you could stay in for the first night that spawns near spawn. I also think you should add some sort of Companion, Thats All. ...
联合顶点型多功能实体一天250小时不间断巡逻,确保站点安全 五,把特遣队塞到3001,磨练意志,如果不够就让演绎部在上层叙事寻找抑郁症患者,人工养殖3999,用来磨练意志 六,把伦理委员会迁移到3008,提高办公效率 七,加强遏 分享109 bilibili吧 纳卡♬迪亚 【安利向】致敬scp基金会的游戏——脑叶公司 脑叶公司最强怪物—... 上面是下载网址,其实就是单人版本的秘密实验室(但是是改cb的程序,所以是cb的模组),你可以理解为是CB的Site-13(CB是Site-19,SL是Site-13)版本,作者说,他只是把站点的地图改成了Site-13,把权限卡改为门禁卡,改站点就是改房间模型,最大的亮点是增加了...
also make sure to download and use the texture pack for this world. thanks you ! here is a list of the SCP's: SCP 3008 (euclid) SCP 096 (euclid) SCP 173 (euclid) ...
以档案的形式呈现,允许小说中的角色) +2 分享145 minecraft吧 量子小鸟✨ 【教程&笔记】1.4.7 SCP Craft——在方块世界里与超自然事物相遇mod原版简介镇 1104369 autapomorphy吧 autapomorphy 存档-1SCP-cn-314 作者红瞳 项目编号:SCP-cn-314 项目分类:Euclid 特殊收容措施:鉴于SCP-cn-314地处人流相对密集...
SCPs in this mod: 005 009 015 019 049 053 079 063 096 109 117 124 173 207 403 409 458 500 606 822 872 912 914 999 1162 1188 1356 1437 1577 1811 2059 2295 2398 2948 3008 3199 3821 3521 5707 Discord server -
- SCP 1094-EX (photo) - SCP 1077 - SCP 1092 - SCP 1125 - SCP 1137 - SCP 1151-1 - SCP 1167 - SCP 1180-1 - SCP 1205 - SCP 1207 - SCP 1238 - SCP 1278 - SCP 1286 - SCP 1307 - SCP 1345-RU - SCP 1423 - SCP 1439