A sign outside of the Limestone Business Center, current location of SCP 2812-1 Special Containment Procedures: Observational Site 81-2 has been established thirty km from SCP-2812-1 along the SR ██ exit on US ██, currently posing as an abandoned used-car dealership. This site is to ...
SCP-2812 - Echoes of Yesterday SCP-2813 - Ghost Ship SCP-2814 - Heretic of the Torch SCP-2815 - Tree of Life SCP-2816 - Nuclear Forgery SCP-2817 - The Carpet King Prosecutes Itself SCP-2818 - A Gun That Shoots People SCP-2819 - Bond Beetles SCP-2820 - Vaishnavastra SCP-2821 - A...
Initially founded as an expeditionary site to monitor SCP-2812, Site-81 has since grown to become one of the largest sites in the region. Located within is the Foundation's Classifications Committee, as well as a massive Mobile Task Force deployment post. Objects contained at this Facility are...
Site-81位于印第安纳州布卢明顿的门罗湖,是美国中西部地区异常活动的主要中心。Site-81最初是一个用于监测SCP-2812的expeditionary Site,但现在已经发展成为该地区最大的Site之一。设施内收容的包括:SCP-715,SCP-2080,SCP-2151,SCP-2270,SCP-2445,SCP-2496,SCP-2540,SCP-2564,SCP-2996。
(SCP-2396-B) | SCP-2401-Alpha | SCP-2419-A | SCP-2424 | SCP-2427-3 | SCP-2522 | SCP-2611-1 | SCP-2721 | SCP-2812-2 | SCP-2817-2 | SCP-2901 | SCP-2940-B | SCP-2999 | SCP-3008-2 | SCP-3019-A | SCP-3114 | SCP-3166 | SCP-3280 | SCP-3325-1 | SCP-3388 | ...
Site-81位於門羅湖水下,該地是美國中西部異常活動的集中地區。Site-81初用於作為監測SCP-2812的哨站,自此之後Site-81漸漸成長為區域內最大型的設施。基金會的分級委員會即於本設施內,另外還設有一個規模龐大的機動特遣隊部屬站。 該設施之收容項目已列於其維安設施檔案之中。
但他们听了吗?没有,他们还是不管三七二一就拿去卖了。那玩意儿不安全,我们知道。它原本该做的只是教训一下太强壮或不听话的孩子。但是他们都受了伤。它在杀人但没人阻止 它不见了 Footnotes 1. SCP-2812被回收的城市。 2. 译注:原文此处为表现恐惧有意出现拼写错误,并非打字出错,下同。
(SCP-2396-B) | SCP-2401-Alpha | SCP-2419-A | SCP-2424 | SCP-2427-3 | SCP-2522 | SCP-2611-1 | SCP-2721 | SCP-2812-2 | SCP-2817-2 | SCP-2901 | SCP-2940-B | SCP-2999 | SCP-3008-2 | SCP-3019-A | SCP-3114 | SCP-3166 | SCP-3280 | SCP-3325-1 | SCP-3388 | ...
SCP-2812 昨日回音 祝我們來自Indiana Limestone1的朋友們有一個美好的1935年! SCP-2399 故障的摧毀者 木星無預警地提供了我們一次機會。我建議我們保握住它。 SCP-2980 惡魔的夜光 收入全數捐給Xlan'gthmr R'llnmerg貧困青少年基金會。特別偉大的事業。