239. It's perfect. She can change reality, right? Make things better? And we can control her. So, that's what we'll do, control her. Feed her a carefully crafted story, about how all the world's governments decided to get together, and make the world a better place. And, fucked...
来自VS Battles Wiki 、VsDebating Wiki 、Joke Battles Wikia、Omniversal Battlefield Wiki 3812 摘要 3812 是一个强大的、改变现实的实体,以前的名字叫萨姆-豪威尔;是一个非反常的非裔美国人,据信死于 1996 年,据说死后不久就从坟墓中复活并消失了。3812 具有改变现实的巨大能力,但同时也有严重的精神问题,其中包...
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