Explained - SCPs whose anomalous properties have been explained or debunked, and most often do not pose a threat. Decommissioned - Terminated SCPs rejected by the Foundation. Notable Examples Safe SCP-993: A twisted TV show starring Bobble the Clown, which causes psychotic and schizophrenic sympto...
Explained (解明级/已解明) 已解明SCP通常为已经完全充分被理解并能以主流科学所解释,或是被揭穿/被错误地认知为异常的现象,项目编号后缀为“EX”。 Decommissioned (已处决) 已被处决的SCP是过去由高级工作人员使用的项目等级,不只删除掉有缺陷的文档,还把它们置於“耻辱墙”来作为别这样做之例子。 目前部分文...
In addition, the Classification Committee has agreed to approve the reclassification of the five primary containment classes, Safe, Euclid, Keter, Neutralized, and Explained, with Pending as a transition class prior to classification. These are now considered "Static" containment classes, and are to...
SCP-469- A humanoid entity encased within countless furled wings that grow in number with the absorption of sound. K-ES-002- A parasitic species of soundwaves. SCP-469 unfurls its wings to capture instances of K-ES-002, rendering the chamber silent as it grows. K-ES-002 then uses SCP...
This ordeal might be explained in the "Those Who Lived On" canon, where the Koitern, represented by SCP-173, is a savage dictator who single handedly waged genocide on 1/3 of 682's countrymen, and also destroyed a tenth of the multiverse. There is a tale about SCP-682 titled "The ...
Explained (解明级/已解明) 已解明SCP通常为已经完全充分被理解并能以主流科学所解释,或是被揭穿/被错误地认知为异常的现象,项目编号后缀为“EX”。 Decommissioned (已处决) 已被处决的SCP是过去由高级工作人员使用的项目等级,不只删除掉有缺陷的文档,还把它们置於“耻辱墙”来作为别这样做之例子。