Researcher Valdez's Closing Statement:SCP-2241 appears to trust me and believes that the Foundation is attempting to help him as much as possible. SCP-2241's account is consistent with the early stages of a humanoid developing a reality-bending ability. SCP-2241 may have experienced abuse at ...
SCP-2241 - Cameron The Crusader SCP-2242 - Technical Difficulties SCP-2243 - Peep Peepers SCP-2244 - Partition E SCP-2245 - A Dream's Nightmare SCP-2246 - You Set the Scene SCP-2247 - "What did I go through to seek a new employer?" SCP-2248 - The Temple of Luna Primogenita SCP...
"And yet here you are," Rich said. "Administrator of the SCP Foundation, out in the field, doing recovery work, forSCP-2241." "Look, Rich," Cole said. "I do what I'm good at. I'm the best at what I do, and what I do is very—" SCENE: SITE-34, an unspecified location i...
SCP-2241 少数没有被处决的人型异常之一。SCP-2241似乎被当作活体武器,用来摧毁当前最大的难民营,迫使幸存者只能以小规模聚居。未知他们是如何让他变得这么忠诚的,但我怀疑不会是什么愉快的方法。最后一条有关SCP-2241的消息说,他被部署用于支援对Ganzir的围攻。显然他们有麻烦了。 SCP-2466 SCP-2466一直被用于强...
Villains Wiki View Organizations Major Organizations ||| Minor/Recurring Organizations ||| International Organizations ||| Safe ||| Euclid |||
SCP Foundationon theCreepypastaWiki SCP Foundationon theVillains Wiki SCP — Containment BreachWiki SCP Foundation Internal Departments Navigation ViewHeroes Organizations Major Organizations ||| Minor/Recurring Organizations Safe ||| Euclid ||| Keter ||| Neutralized ||| Thaumiel ||...
Why am I even going to 579? Do I actually have a reason? COMPOSED FILE 0001-4 Foundation's still fucking us. Here's a table about it. Might write more later. JOURNAL ENTRY 0001-11 Have been making my way towards 579 - maybe a little slower than before, but who can blame me for...
原文链接: 注:阅读本文章前,请先阅读SCP-5000 项目编号:SCP-5000 为什么? 项目等级:Safe 啊,真好。终于来了。 上次我写解密还是…呼,半年前的事情了吧?Meta Ike那篇真的快把我给榨干了。但那都过去了,现在我们面前有个新的挑战——由Tanhony所作的《SCP-500...
[听到椅子移动,离开房间的脚步声。确认█████████上尉(已退役)已离开采访室22。] ███博士:这是一个公开声明:我正式请求尽快处决SCP-096。 <记录结束> 脚注 1. 译注:受访者对096的人称代词混乱,并非翻译错误 3重审判!!! 转载地址: 审核君还好吗?