Until further notice, all confirmed instances of SCP-2230-1 are to be transported to Site-17 for study and containment. Investigations aimed at identifying additional individuals SCP-2230 has previously come into contact with are ongoing. Description:SCP-2230 is an adult male of European descent. ...
SCP-2230 - An Unlicensed Neurosurgeon SCP-2231 - A Shared Identity SCP-2232 - Birdphone. Think Different. SCP-2233 - Sociosophy SCP-2234 - Great Deals on Pineal Removal URA-9611 - The Ozymandias Effect SCP-2236 - Optical Instrument SCP-2237 - "There is always a cost…" SCP-2238 - "...
SCP-2230 - An Unlicensed Neurosurgeon SCP-2231 - A Shared Identity SCP-2232 - Birdphone. Think Different. SCP-2233 - Sociosophy SCP-2234 - Great Deals on Pineal Removal URA-9611 - The Ozymandias Effect SCP-2236 - Optical Instrument SCP-2237 - "There is always a cost…" SCP-2238 - "...
如果是指定远程服务器端口号拷贝,命令为 scp -r -P 2230 本地路径/file userName@192.168.xxx.xx:/tmp #其中-P(大写)后的2230就为指定的端口号 登录远程服务器: ssh userName@192.168.xxx.xx #userName为远程服务器用户名称,后面为服务器地址。回车后输入远程服务器当前用户登录密码即可登录。 备份 zip -r d...
项次编号 物类名称 计量单位 请购数量 补充规格 请购类别 001敲打管 SCPZ-J2230-2006 件号2PC20.00生料磨窑尾收尘机使用G0100 招标进度跟踪 2024-12-03 招标公告 敲打管 SCPZ-J2230-2006 件号2 当前信息 400-688-2000 欢迎来电咨询~ 立即登录开启全网商机...
请购人 胡月星 请购人电话 请购人电子邮件 请购说明 项次编号物类名称计量单位请购数量补充规格请购类别 001 敲打管 SCPZ-J2230-2006 件号1 PC 28.00 包含:NO1、NO3、NO4、NO5、NO7各1PC G0100热门城市 黄冈市招标网 黄石市招标网 襄阳市招标网 恩施土家族苗族自治州招标网 咸宁市招标网 十堰市招标...
尺寸: 2380X1730X1040 2380X2030X1040 2580X2030X1040 2380X2230X1040 2580X2230X1040 规格: 新品 数量 - + 服务 送货入户并安装 长途运输+同城运输+步梯<=7免费搬运上楼(电梯入户免搬运费) 交付情况: — 产品卖点: - 产品信息 大家晒 2我...