任何受SCP-2076长期性信息危害影响的智能存在须接受长期记忆删除治疗以完成持续神经重组,并监控其是否出现信息危害类慢性紧张型精神病2。 作为广告印刷品出现的SCP-2076扫描图片[注1] 描述:SCP-2076是一种具信息危害的公共宣传,当前出现在伊利诺斯州内的印刷品、公告牌、地方电台和电视播送中。与其他非异常公共宣传相...
SCP-2076 - "Shooting Yourself Can Increase Your Bullet Resistance" SCP-2077 - Miracle Stuff SCP-2078 - Third Party SCP-2079 - The Law of the Grokodus SCP-2080 - Dads House SCP-2081 - Making Your Dreams Your Reality SCP-2082 - Elephas cryophilus SCP-2083 - Hoboken Bunion Emergency SCP...
That was a depressing piece of fiction, but he needed to get back to that research proposal about SCP-2076. If it can make people think that shooting themselves will heighten bullet resistance, surely it has infinite applications like: Do you know? Using Wondertainment products will halve one'...
SCP-2076 - "Shooting Yourself Can Increase Your Bullet Resistance" SCP-2077 - Miracle Stuff SCP-2078 - 第三政黨 SCP-2079 - The Law of the Grokodus SCP-2080 - Dads House SCP-2081 - Making Your Dreams Your Reality SCP-2082 - Elephas cryophilus SCP-2083 - Hoboken Bunion Emergency SCP-20...
SCP Foundation KETER class object, SCP-2076 This story was derived from https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2076 and is released under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Author: Cyrus Spears Acorns: Huge thanks to Acorns for sponsoring today's ...
SCP Foundation KETER class object, SCP-2076 This story was derived from https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2076 and is released under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Author: Cyrus Spears Acorns: Huge thanks to Acorns for sponsoring today's ...
第九章 SCP–999(2) 本章字数:2076字更新时间:2023-05-21 以下内容仅限于科林伍德博士一人阅览,如若其他人阅览将会被执行c级的记忆清除。 “您好,科林伍德博士,祝贺您被任命为SCP–999的首席研究员,这是整个基金会里最轻松最让人羡慕的任务之一。” “SCP–999是我们监管下为数不得,不仅不会主动伤害你,还会...
SCP8ZT78HEL1ZUS06E 品牌名称SAMSUNG(三星) 商品型号SCP8ZT78HEL1ZUS06E 商品编号C20765474 包装方式 编带 商品毛重 1克(g)商品参数 资料纠错查看类似商品 参数完善中梯度价格 梯度 售价 折合1圆盘 1+¥1.259 200+¥0.5024 500+¥0.4856 1000+¥0.4773¥1909.2 优惠活动 运 包邮券 库存总量(单位:个) ...
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